Read What Causes Body Odor additional


Most people are concerned about having excessive body odor. In today's society, having a bad body odor is usually considered the result of poor hygiene or from excessive sweating. However, that really is not the case.

Body odor is caused by bacteria that live on the body, so obviously, taking a bath, and wearing clean clothes will help you smell better, but some people have more bacteria living on them than others do, and no amount of cleaning is going to get rid of their odor problem.

For some people, stopping the sweating is the important thing, and if you are one of those people that sweat profusely, you may really want to use an antiperspirant, which will help slow down the amount of sweat that the body produces.

For most people that sweat profusely, a simple deodorant will not work, they need something stronger. An antiperspirant body spray may be what they are looking for, as this will slow down the amount of sweat produced.

Most people do not realize it, but sweat is not what causes body odor. It is a factor, but it is the bacteria that lives on their body. The sweat provides a breeding ground for the bacteria and allows it to multiply. The waste product of the bacteria is what causes the body odor.

There are natural products on the market that will eliminate the production of bacteria on the body, and effectively will eliminate body odor, but it will not stop the sweating. Even if you could eliminate the body odor by eliminating the bacteria, most people would want to eliminate the excessive sweating.

One thing to keep in mind, sweating is the natural method that the body uses to regulate temperature. When it is warm, the body will sweat, and as the sweat evaporates, the body is cooled off. To properly regulate your inner core temperature, you need to sweat some, so do not try to eliminate all sweat from occurring. It is not healthy.

Which is the best deodorant that you can get? At you can learn more about natural deodorant and determine what is right for you.

What Causes Body Odor
