Examine Bad Vaginal Odor - Causes and Simple Cures to Get Rid of It Fast far more

Bad Vaginal Odor - Causes and Simple Cures to Get Rid of It Fast



Bad vaginal odor is quite a common problem which women of all ages face. Although our vagina is a self cleansing organ, often there is an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. This condition is known as bacterial vaginosis and is one of the primary causes of smelly vagina in most women.

What Causes Vaginal Odor?

The reason for bacterial imbalance of the vagina which causes bad vagina odor is not very well understood. Research has merely indicated that women who douche frequently or have any other condition that lowers the level of lactobacilli bacteria present in the vagina can cause the odor. These conditions could be any one of the following -

• Excessive use of antibiotics

• Use of chemical douches

• Use of feminine-hygiene products like perfumed tampons, sanitary pads and vaginal sprays and deodorants.

Some of the other related causes of bad vagina odor are

Hygiene - Not washing the vagina properly may cause odor over a period of time. It is enough if you wash the vaginal area with plain water twice a day. Abstain from using perfumed soaps

Drugs - Certain oral contraceptives and use of intrauterine device can increase the chance of a woman contacting Vaginosis

Douching - frequently can strip the vagina of essential lubricants naturally present in it and cause the infection.

Sperm - The male sperm is alkaline in nature while the vagina is slightly acidic. Often the male sperm can tip off the acidic balance of the vagina and cause Vaginosis.

What can be done to get rid of bad vaginal odor?

• Abstain from douching

• Increase the level of lactobacilli in your daily diet by consuming foods like yogurt and acidophilus supplements.

• Have protected sex and stick to one male partner as far as possible.

• Wear cotton underwear and loose fitting-clothes to ensure proper air circulation in the vaginal area. Sleep without underwear at night to enable the vagina to breathe freely and get rid of bad vaginal odor.

I sincerely hope that the above natural cures work for you too. In case you are a chronic sufferer you may be frustrated and looking out for bacterial vaginosis bv a permanent vaginosis cure. You must consider trying out the exact remedy which finally eliminated my fishy vaginal odor. Click here bacterial vaginosis bv to know more about it.