Vaginal odor is something that a lot of women experience at some point in their lives. It is usually caused by an infection known as bacterial vaginosis. If you have this infection, then you know how embarrassing it can be. You are plagued with a strong odor that comes from your most private areas. This makes you feel dirty, ashamed and wanting to hide from the world. Going out in public is a chore because you fear that someone is going to catch a whiff of the odor that your body is producing. This bad vaginal smell also affects your sex life. You don't feel pretty or confident so you don't want your partner to be around you. The smell isn't exactly going to be a big turn on.
Thankfully, you can prevent this bad vaginal odor from ever occurring. Women can take precautionary steps to change their habits so bacterial vaginosis never happens to them. One of the most common reasons why women get this infection is due to wiping in the wrong direction. When you wipe back to front, fecal matter can make its way inside of you by getting on the tissue. If you change the direction in which you wipe, your chances of having a bad vaginal odor episode in the future are greatly reduced. Staying away from pools and hot tubs for prolonged periods of time will also cut your chances of getting an infection in half. Using a condom while having sex with your partner will also help to prevent yourself from getting an episode of bacterial vaginosis since the bacteria on your partner can transfer to your body. Using the condom will prevent that from happening.
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