Go through Activated Carbon/Charcoal Air Filters: How Long Do They Really Last? more

Charcoal Odor

That's a great question. A lot of air purifiers/air cleaners have activated carbon filters to help remove chemicals, odors, smoke, etc, and sometimes it's hard to tell if it's still working or not or exactly when you need to change them. The manufacturers usually give a suggested time frame for changing the filters, but then state that how long an activated carbon filter lasts really depends on the amount of pollutants in the area, which is a little confusing.

A good rule of thumb is to change out all filters, HEPA and activated carbon/charcoal filters once per year, especially if you're really sensitive to indoor air pollution. If you're extremely sensitive, don't take a chance-change your filters any time symptoms even begin to reappear.

For the rest of us that may not be able to tell if we're really sensitive or not, but still want a better idea of how long our activated carbon/charcoal filters last and really when to change them, there is a way to 'test' it-by how well it is still removing odors and smells.

Military grade carbon in gas masks, and in good carbon/charcoal air purifier filters work by absorbing or attracting airborne chemical residues in the air. And since odors and smells also come from airborne chemical molecules and residues, if an activated carbon/charcoal filter in your air purifier is still working well, it should be able to mostly or completely remove an odor or smell in a matter of minutes, right?

So, one way to 'test' your activated carbon/charcoal air filter is to put your air purifier either in the kitchen after you've finished cooking, making coffee, or spray a little air freshener or cologne into the air around you, then turn the air purifier on high for 15 minutes or so. If the smell goes away completely or is very noticeably reduced, the activated carbon/charcoal filter is probably still doing its job trapping the airborne chemical molecules responsible for the smell.

You can test the filter again later and if it takes longer to get rid of the odors, that tells you that the carbon is 'filling' up and the air is needing to circulate through the air purifier a few more times to become clean. True military grade carbon/charcoal filters (as in Austin Air purifiers) will do a better job and last longer, but once you begin to notice that odors aren't going away like they used to, that carbon filter is probably 'full' and needs to be changed to make sure you and your family are still breathing clean air.

Rex Murphy is an avid health enthusiast, former martial arts instructor, US Army Officer, an expert in the field of air purification, and has a Bachelor of Science degree from Auburn University.

Rex is also the owner of Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com, an online resource / store for health information and tips, and great deals on quality air purifiers, dehumidifier humidifier units, air purifier filters and more!

Visit us today! http://www.airpurifiersandcleaners.com

Activated Carbon/Charcoal Air Filters: How Long Do They Really Last?

Charcoal Odor

Study Natural Foot Odor Remedies more


Foot odor is a type of body odor that affects the feet of humans and is generally considered to be an unpleasant smell. Foot odor is common when you wear shoes that don't "breathe". Foot odor is caused by bacteria that reproduce rapidly. Foot odor is one of the toughest problems to overcome mostly because there has been little research into the condition.

A podiatrist can help you diagnose your foot odor problem and identify any biological sources of odor or infection, as well as help you develop a treatment plan to get rid of your foot odor for good. Putting inserts in shoes will mask part of the problem, but they won't solve it as they fail to kill bacteria. This is why you should seek more effective methods to eliminate the root cause of this embarrassing condition.

Systemic elimination of foot odor is possible through the regulated use of many of the herbal remedies given here.

If used continuously for several weeks at a stretch, the herbal extracts of sage will prove itself to be an excellent remedy in the elimination of foot odor.

To control the odor, soak your feet several times a week in one-third cup of apple cider vinegar added to a small pan of warm water.

Mix one teaspoon with one or two gallons of water in a container with Alum , and soak your feet for 30 minutes. After, rinse with clear water; repeat after four days. Doing this for a month should get rid of your foot odor.

Baking soda is another effective remedy for this condition. If you sprinkle it in your shoes daily, it should help to absorb the odor.

Boil a quart of water and add 5 black tea bags. After the water cools, soak your feet for 30 minutes. Tannin's in the tea are astringent, which will prevent your feet from perspiring.

To fight fungal infection, eat natural, plain yogurt containing living culture or drink kefir daily.

Juice two dozen radishes, add a quarter teaspoon of glycerine, and put in a squirt or spray-top bottle. Use as an underarm deodorant or to reduce foot odor.

Take a zinc supplement, or try to ensure that you are getting at least 15 milligrams in your multi-vitamin. This remedy should reduce or eliminate the odor within a week or two. The zinc may make the skin more resistant to the bacteria causing the odor.

Always consult with your herbalist or healthcare professional if you believe your condition to be chronic.

Mary Freeman is an accomplished Author who writes articles on Natural and Home Remedies. To access her remedy website, please visit http://www.eRemedySpot.com

Natural Foot Odor Remedies


Study Ways To Prevent Fishy Vagina Odor Naturally a lot more

Many women have the distressing problem or unpleasant body odor from "down below" and simply are at a loss to know how to deal with it. Ironically, some of the things we do to try to alleviate the issue can make matters even worse. There are a number of ways to prevent fishy vagina odor naturally though, which are not difficult to do and are worth implementing straight away.

Fishy vaginal odor is nearly always caused by an imbalance of the naturally occurring bacteria which normally resides there without problem. The different strains co-exist and are balanced by the slightly acidic PH level. When the PH level is disrupted, an overgrowth of harmful bacteria usually occurs and it is this which causes your symptoms.

Harsh treatments and over-zealous washing can often make the problem even worse as what needs to happen is that the levels of good bacteria are allowed to grow and keep the harmful strains in check.

The ways to prevent fishy vagina odor naturally revolve around simple self management tips and enhancement of the immune system, thus allowing the body to heal itself. Try the following and you should notice a difference within a day or two.

* Only wash twice a day and avoid using perfumed soaps

* Stop smoking, if applicable

* Use a condom for intercourse

* Avoid douching

* Wear only cotton panties

* Avoid tight trousers and pantyhose

* Eat a small pot of live yogurt daily

* Introduce some live yogurt into the vagina via a tampon. This can increase the levels of healthy bacteria

Very commonly, unpleasant vaginal odor is a result of the very common condition known as bacterial vaginosis. If your discharge is fairly watery and gray or white in color, this is very likely to be the case, although you may wish for your doctor to give a diagnosis.

The above ways to prevent fishy vagina odor naturally also apply for bacterial vaginosis. However, there are specific, robust strategies you can try for fast relief and permanent prevention.


Although not harmful in its early stages, if bacterial vaginosis is left untreated it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease and can even render some women infertile. Therefore, it is always a good idea to treat the condition promptly. You are particularly at risk if you get repeated attacks.

There are a couple of excellent, tried and tested strategies for dealing with the problem very quickly. You could have complete symptomatic relief within a couple of hours and be completely cured within just 3 days.

To see my recommended ways to prevent fishy vagina odor naturally, please visit Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis.

Ways To Prevent Fishy Vagina Odor Naturally

Understand Home Remedy For Vaginal Odor additional

If you are searching for a home remedy for vaginal odor, it is very likely that you have bacterial vaginosis, the most common cause of this problem. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by an overgrowth of naturally occurring bacteria within the vagina. There are various causes of the overgrowth, but the symptoms are usually the same-an itching, burning feeling, a gray or white watery discharge and a very unpleasant fishy odor. In addition, some women suffer from similar symptoms to those of a urinary tract infection.

One effective home remedy for vaginal odor is to wear cotton panties. Synthetic materials can cause overheating and do not allow air to circulate freely, thus encouraging the further growth of bacteria. Some women also find that wearing a thin panty liner can absorb the odor a little. For others, the cause of the smell may be an overenthusiastic use of perfumed product. ironically, bad vaginal odor is very rarely caused by poor hygiene. Therefore avoiding over washing and only using non-perfumed products can help. In addition, it is vital that tampons and sanitary towels are changed frequently.

Some women find that a change in sexual partner can bring on an attack of bacterial vaginosis and therefore cause a fishy odor. Firstly, it is important to understand that this is not related to a sexually transmitted infection but merely the body reacting to a change in the normal flora of the vagina. If you think this might be the case, it would be worth wearing a condom until the situation settles down.

For some women, this condition can remain in the background, never really going away and if this is the case for you, it would be advisable to consider taking decisive action to eliminate bad vaginal odor permanently.

There are a select number of bestselling remedies for bacterial vaginosis which are 100% guaranteed to work. I have chosen my top 3 remedies-one of which I have used successfully myself and the others are chosen because they too have a high level of customer satisfaction and I firmly believe that choice is a good thing! If you would like to chose from the best at-home treatments available at no risk whatsoever, please visit Home Remedy For Vaginal Odor.

Home Remedy For Vaginal Odor


Go through Gas BBQ - Choose the Best much more

Gas BBQ - Choose the Best

Charcoal Odor

Charcoal Odor

There are many types of bbq grills available in the market. There are charcoal grills, smoker grills and various others. But among all the best and the most popular is the gas BBQ. The purists however will suggest otherwise. According to the barbecue purists the best form of grill is the charcoal grill.

The reason why charcoal grill is said to be the best is because it retains the taste of the meat when cooked. But since the gas BBQ has become available in the market the demand for charcoal grill has faded out. This is because charcoal grill creates a lot of mess while cooking and also is not easily portable. On the other hand gas grill is very convenient and portable. It only takes a twist of the knob for it to start working.

There are many benefits of choosing gas barbecues:
The most obvious advantage is the opportunity to get rid of all the mess if you use gas BBQ. Unlike charcoal grill, gas barbecues are easy to start. It also helps you to maintain an even temperature. This in turn helps you to cook your food evenly without having to worry about your food being burnt.
It is best both for outdoor and indoor barbecue. You can also carry it to a distant place if you are traveling as it is very light and easily portable.
If you are planning a backyard bbq then you can connect it directly to home gas line. If you are camping outdoors or traveling then it can be used with the help of a refillable propane tank. It is easy to use as you can turn it on with the help of a switch or a knob.
It is easy to control the cooking temperature in a gas barbecue. With the twist of a knob or a switch you can lower or increase the temperature as and when you want. But in charcoal grill it is not easy and unless you are an expert you will end up burning your food more often then not.
Gas grills also come equipped with different burners. Thus accordingly you can choose which burner to use to cook the food on. Different burners in the gas grill will provide you different level of heat.
Because it comes equipped with multiple burners you can cook various items at the same time. Thus it also helps you to save time.
The other very important factor with gas grill is its easy maintenance. Once you finish cooking you can simply turn off the burner and clean the surface. But in charcoal grill you will have to wait for the surface to cool down and then you can start with the cleaning.
One very important benefit of gas grill is it helps you to retain the flavor of the food. When you cook food in charcoal grill then you tend to get a charcoal odor in your food.
These are some of the reasons why gas grill is more preferred today when it comes to barbecue parties. It is convenient and affordable and thus preferred by the majority.

For any help on Bbq [http://www.buyabbq.com.au/], check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Gas bbq [http://www.buyabbq.com.au/]!

Read through Eliminate Skunk Odor With These Techniques more


The smell of Skunk Odor is terrible to the human nose! After reading this, you should be able to use some or all of the techniques to get rid of the odor. Our human nose is extremely sensitive to this smell, able to pick out even a concentration of just one part in a billion, making it very important that the smell is eliminated.

Everyone knows about the skunk's defensive spray of odor. Skunks are known to have sprayed humans, animals, cars, property etc when they are alarmed. The spray is a yellow oily musk, which they either release as a mist or as a spray. They can spray the target up to 20 feet away. Normally there are warning signs before the skunk will spray, unless it is alarmed suddenly.

Domestically, the most common incidence of skunk spraying is on your pet dog. Dogs will attempt to defend their territory and will confront skunks as well. This is where the majority of skunk odor problems come in.

If your dog has been "skunked", the most important rule is to not let him get indoors. You do not want your home to smell like a skunk. And once the smell is indoors, it will be very difficult to remove, as it can permeate porous objects such as untreated wood, concrete, plasterboard, soundproofing materials, sponges (think about your sofa and beds!)

Check your dog's eyes. If they have been sprayed, they will be red and irritated. Temporary blindness can also occur (for about 10-15 minutes). Use eye-drops or olive oil on the eyes to soothe the irritation.

The following concoction is known to work to eliminate skunk odor for your dog. A word of warning though, only make this when needed, and never store it - the oxygen produced by the Hydrogen Peroxide can cause explosions in closed containers.

In an open container, mix 1 quart of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (from a drug store), 1/4 cup baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), and 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap (Joy dishwashing liquid works). Using rubber gloves, wash your dog with this mixture (use a wash cloth), taking care around the eyes and mouth. Keep your dog soaked for about 10 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

I hope you have gained some knowledge on the techniques to eliminate skunk odor from your pet. Of course you can always run out and buy a commercial skunk deodorizer products from your drug store, but those do not always work.

Jeremy Duncan writes on a variety of topics. To learn more about skunk odor removal, click here - http://www.theinfopublishers.com/recommends/noskunkodor

Eliminate Skunk Odor With These Techniques


Go through What Causes Strong Vaginal Odor? a lot more

Along with vaginal dryness, vaginal itch, and vaginal discharge, vaginal odor is one the leading reasons women consult gynecologists. Even in healthy women, normal vaginal secretions can have a slightly "cheesy" or "antiseptic" smell. Contact of the vagina with semen can result in the release of a "fishy" odor. The greatest amount of vaginal discharge occurs at the midpoint of a woman's menstrual cycle, so this odor will naturally be stronger around the time of ovulation, when fertility is greatest.

Vaginal mucus (distinguished from menstrual blood) is released all the time, but the volume of discharge is about twice as great around Day 14 of a woman's period. The actual volume of discharge is normally 2 to 4 ml, about 1/2 a teaspoon to 1 teaspoon a day. Immediately after the menstrual period the mucus is "slippery" and produced in higher volume, and right around ovulation the mucus is "dry" and produced in lower volume.

The relationship of vaginal odor to vaginal infections is not easy to sort out. It is possible to have an infection without odor, and it is possible to have odor without infection. Odor can also result from excessive growth of bacteria that normally inhabit a healthy vagina, such as Gardnerella. Vaginal odor can be caused by yeast or trichomonas, but about a third of women who have issues with vaginal odor do not have infections with any common microorganism.

Vaginal odor can also be a symptom of chlamydia infection or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). If excessive vaginal odor is an issue, a trip to the doctor is in order to ensure that these two serious conditions do not exist. Looking at the vaginal mucus under the microscope usually reveals the exact source of the odor, but inflammatory processes that have nothing to do with infection can also cause odor problems.

As a general rule, however, itching with no odor is caused by yeast infection while inflammation with a strong "cheese" odor is caused by bacterial infection. Antifungals are prescribed for yeast infection, while antibiotics may be prescribed for bacterial infection-it is important to get the right treatment! Diflucan and fluconazole are more likely to be the right treatment when there is no strong odor, just vaginal itch.

Don't ignore vaginal odor. It is important to get treatment for bacterial infections of the vagina. Untreated infections with the bacterium Gardnerella can result in salpingitis, endometrial infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, and premature labor. Any kind of uterine surgery becomes much more likely to result in infection, and the woman also becomes more at risk for infection with HIV. Women at the highest risk for bacterial infections of the vagina are those who:

· Recently started sexual relations with a new male partner.

· Have lower estrogen levels as a result of perimenopause, the years of a woman's life before full menopause.

· Use douches for vaginal hygiene.

· Recently finished treatment with antibiotics (killing the friendly bacteria that keep odor-causing bacteria in check).

· Wear an IUD (intrauterine device) for contraception.

Finally, vaginal odor sometimes is the only warning sign of herpes infection. It is important to get a medical examination to be sure the cause of the odor is not a serious disease.


Download a free 100-page ebook on odor control at http://www.ecoteamlab.com/.

What Causes Strong Vaginal Odor?


Read through Eliminate Menstrual Odor Effectively more

The last thing any woman wants to worry is the odor coming from the menstruation. It is not only uncomfortable but it could also be embarrassing. Good thing there are now ways you can eliminate that embarrassing odor coming from your menstruation and it is not that hard to follow.

Use healthier and fragrance free feminize wash. The blood itself from your monthly period is odorless but if there are bacteria present on it then it is likely to have that odor. You can lessen the odor or totally eliminate it by using fragrance free feminine wash. Try to wash your private area as often as possible and change your sanitary pads every four hours.

Avoid scented sanitary pads or tampons. The scent from your sanitary pads and tampons can only add up for you to have that embarrassing odor. The scent from these products can lower the pH balance of your system which in turn can increase odor and even infections. So choose for unscented products to help eliminate menstrual odor.

Avoid using baby wipes or wet wipes when wiping yourself clean. This will surely affects the pH balance of your body. If you want to feel fresh and clean after urinating for instance while you have your period, it is wise to carry a bottle of water with you to wash off yourself or use a wet tissue instead.

Wash your hands thoroughly. Always wash your hands after and before you used the comfort room. The menstrual odor do cling on your hands so make sure to wash it using scented or anti bacterial soap.

Spray on a light scented cologne. Do not use any heavy scented perfume because the heat from your body will make the odor worst when combine with the heavy scent coming from your perfume.

Carry an extra pair of underwear. Sanitary napkins need to be change every four hours so as your underwear. You can get some side leaks especially if you move a lot or if you have heavy periods so it is better to have another pair of underwear with you than to sit all day stained and soaked with menstrual blood.

Take regular showers. If possible take a bath in the morning and before you go to sleep. This will eliminate the odor from your private area and from your body as well.

If you will take good care of yourself and observed proper hygiene, then menstrual period odor will not be a problem for you but in case you still experience the same odor even after your period, then it is better to consult your doctor about it because you might have an infection already.

Fritz G. Anderson enjoys writing about health and health conditions. He is also interested in French Country Furniture. You can read more about French Country Furniture on his website at http://frenchcountryfurniture.me.

Eliminate Menstrual Odor Effectively


Study Goiter and Body Odor much more

Can people with body odor (BO) be "immune" to their own unpleasant odor?

That's correct. The human nose can recognize 4,000 different scents and a really sensitive proboscis can detect up to 10,000 different scents. But if you smell something for a long time, your nose gets overwhelmed by the odor and can no longer detect it.

That' s the reason why the perfume you're wearing loses its fragrance after a while and your friendly garbage collector isn't bothered at all by the trash around him. Other people can easily smell these things but not those who have been exposed to the same odors for quite some lime.

Can goiter cause BO?

Like bad breath which can indicate the presence of kidney disease or diabetes, BO can also signal an underlying medical problem. Goiter due to hyperthyroidism (or an overactive thyroid) can promote sweating, making your body more hospitable to odor causing bacteria.

Certain metabolic infectious disorders, some drugs and foods like garlic, onions, and asparagus, can likewise cause BO. The same is true with uremia (a serious disease wherein the kidneys fail to eliminate waste products) and pneumonia.

If the problem persists in spite of good personal hygiene and the use of an effective deodorant, it's time to consult a physician to discover the root of your problem.

Can working in a chemical factory lead to BO?

Working in a chemical factory can probably make you smell bad but that doesn't mean the stench will linger on even after you've left the place.

The culprit in BO or bromhidrosis is bacteria acting on secretions of the apocrine sweat glands. Compared to the eccrine sweat glands that cool the body, the apocrine glands produce a milky fluid which has no known function except as food for bacteria.

When bacteria digest this food, they produce 3-methyl-2-hexenoic acid which has a stench that's enough to drive your enemies away. This becomes obvious in about six hours and the odor becomes stronger in warm weather.

Apocrine glands are found mainly in the underarms and the crotch which explains why these areas stink easily if you don't practice good personal hygiene. Asians have fewer apocrine glands than Americans or Europeans. That means they stink less than other people. The bad news is that men have bigger apocrine glands and more androgen, the male hormone that stimulates the odor-producing gland.

For beautiful skin use Lumnaderm, a whitening cream that eliminates freckles, unsightly age spots, sun spots, blemishes and hyperpigmentation. When used as directed, Lumnaderm will balance uneven skin tones and illuminate your skin. For more information, visit http://www.lumnaderm.com/.


Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine [http://www.HealthLinesNews.com]

Goiter and Body Odor

Understand Diseases That Cause Body Odor additional

Body odor is caused when the body has accumulated toxins that it cannot eliminate through the urine or stool. As a last resort, it eliminates those toxins through sweat, which then causes a foul body odor to occur.

Body odor has become a norm for most people, as they have learned to control it with proper personal hygiene such as showering frequently and using deodorants and antiperspirants.

But for many, body odor can be a nightmare, as they are unable to control the offensive odors. They can shower several times per day, but the odors keep coming back. When this happens, the odor is usually brought on by a disease.

Kidney and Liver Diseases

The kidneys and liver are the main elimination organs that eliminate harmful toxins from the body. When they begin to slow down, the toxins begin to accumulate in the body, and are then forced to come out via the sweat. As a result the body odor increases.

Diabetic Ketoacidosis

Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when someone with diabetes does not receive enough insulin. Insulin is needed in order for the glucose to enter into the cells of the body. But when not enough insulin is present, fat cells are used to help the glucose to enter. The breaking down of fat cells creates ketones, which in excess amounts contributes to a fruity smell on the breath, as well as a foul body odor.


Any type of infection such as skin infections, urinary tract infection and yeast infections can contribute to a foul odor.


Obesity also contributes to body odor, as many toxins are trapped in an obese body. These toxins are unable to leave body due to slow bowel movements and thus they are forced out of the body via sweat.

Uterine Cancers

Cancers of the uterine can cause a foul smelling discharge.

Metabolic Disorders

A metabolic disorder is when a person is unable to break down all the food particles and turn them into energy. The particles that it cannot break down become toxic and thus are accumulated in the body, only to be forced out via the sweating mechanism.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation can cause harmful toxins to accumulate in the body, and thereby contribute to foul odor.

Overactive Thyroid Glands

Overactive thyroid glands can cause the body to sweat excessively. The more the body sweats, the more toxins are released, and thus the odor increases dramatically.

Hormonal Changes

When the body goes through certain hormonal changes such as puberty and menopause, the body odor is also increased.


For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101. You can also find me on Hubpages.

Diseases That Cause Body Odor

Study 3 Simple Composting Tips more

Do you want to start a home composting project but you just aren't sure where to start? Well it is time to stop thinking about it and start doing it! Composting is one of the simplest projects you can do. In addition to being easy, it is a great way to reduce the waste in our environment and it is good for your garden!

There are just a few things to know about composting. In fact, many people tend to make the whole process harder than it really is! Just follow these easy tips and you will be creating this healthy garden nutrient.

Where to Compost? - This is probably the biggest dilemma that people come across when they are ready to start a composting project. Do you use a container or just make a pile? You don't need a lot of space for this project. If your space is tight, you can use a small composting container that rotates. These rotating bins come in different sizes so you can find one that is perfect to tuck in the corner of your patio or elsewhere in your yard.

If you have a bigger space, you can make a pile that is enclosed with a small fence. For proper composting you will want to turn the material in this pile regularly using a compost aerator or turning fork. Both types of enclosures will be perfect for composting, so it just depends on which type will work best for your garden needs.

What to Compost? - Many people aren't sure exactly what can be composted and what can't. One good rule of thumb is if it comes from nature it can go back to nature. So things like produce waste, leaves, grass clippings, etc. are perfect for composting. Other things that can be composted are coffee grounds, egg shells, newspaper (tear it up first) and brown paper sacks. Stay away from magazines and shiny ads, they will not compost well. Paper that has been shredded in a paper shredder is great for composting as well and it breaks down quickly.

If you keep a compost crock or other container in your house, it will be easier to collect kitchen waste and then just take it to your compost pile a couple of times a week. Most kitchen compost containers have charcoal filters built in so there is no odor. You can find compost crocks that look like a decorative ceramic canister so you can collect your organic material fashionably!

Don't add anything that is animal based such as dairy products or meat. You can add yard clippings but try not to add weeds since there is a chance the weed seeds will pass through into your compost and then you will have a weed problem in your garden!

How to Compost - The how of composting is probably one of the easiest things about it. You can pretty much put your organic materials in the pile or bin and let it go. You will want to turn your compost a couple of times a week, either by rotating the bin or manually turning it with a compost fork. As you turn the compost, the new material will mix in with that that has started to break down.

Add a little water to your compost to keep it moist. You don't want it to be soggy, just moist. Think of a wrung out sponge - that is how moist your pile should always be.

When your compost bin or pile is nearing capacity, it is time to quit adding new material and let the organic material that is in it finish composting. You don't want a mix of composted and non-composted material! Many people, including myself, have two compost bins or pile going at on time. One is always completing the composting process and the other is where I add new material. Just rotate between the two - when you remove the finished compost from one, stop using the other one for new material and let it finish composting and add your fresh waste to the recently emptied container.

When you remove the finished compost it is always a good idea to screen it to remove large clumps of material that has not finished composting. Just add these pieces to your next batch.

Composting is one of the simplest and most rewarding garden tasks. You can benefit both your garden and the environment by reducing how much waste goes to the landfill. It is an easy way to do your part to save the planet!

Charcoal Odor

Home composting is a great way to benefit your garden. Using a compost crock is the easiest way to collect your kitchen waste. home composting is a perfect way to help reduce landfill waste as well.

3 Simple Composting Tips

Charcoal Odor

Go through How to Prevent Bad Vaginal Odor From Happening to You extra

Vaginal odor is something that a lot of women experience at some point in their lives. It is usually caused by an infection known as bacterial vaginosis. If you have this infection, then you know how embarrassing it can be. You are plagued with a strong odor that comes from your most private areas. This makes you feel dirty, ashamed and wanting to hide from the world. Going out in public is a chore because you fear that someone is going to catch a whiff of the odor that your body is producing. This bad vaginal smell also affects your sex life. You don't feel pretty or confident so you don't want your partner to be around you. The smell isn't exactly going to be a big turn on.

Thankfully, you can prevent this bad vaginal odor from ever occurring. Women can take precautionary steps to change their habits so bacterial vaginosis never happens to them. One of the most common reasons why women get this infection is due to wiping in the wrong direction. When you wipe back to front, fecal matter can make its way inside of you by getting on the tissue. If you change the direction in which you wipe, your chances of having a bad vaginal odor episode in the future are greatly reduced. Staying away from pools and hot tubs for prolonged periods of time will also cut your chances of getting an infection in half. Using a condom while having sex with your partner will also help to prevent yourself from getting an episode of bacterial vaginosis since the bacteria on your partner can transfer to your body. Using the condom will prevent that from happening.

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How to Prevent Bad Vaginal Odor From Happening to You

Read Secrets To A Self-Cleaning Bathroom far more

Secrets To A Self-Cleaning Bathroom

Charcoal Odor

Is your bathroom a total mess? For many, thoughts of cleaning the bathroom conjures images of drudgery. House cleaning pros tell us that by using a few inexpensive tips we can have a near self-cleaning bathroom. You can now save many dollars that would otherwise be spent on expensive bathroom products that are designed to perform one cleaning function.

To repel mold and mildew on your shower curtain or around the tub or shower, add two to three tablespoons of plain table salt to a large spray bottle and fill with water. When done showering spray the tub side of the shower curtain and close to allow to dry. Spray the salt water along the tub or any place where mold grows in the bath.

To keep the bathroom mirror clean and sparkling, spray it with a little of the salt water and dry with black and white print newspaper. Do not use the glossy colored pages. The glossy pages will scratch the mirror. Keep a few pages under the bath basin for a quick clean up.

To keep the bath faucets and and metal hardware nice and shiny shine with fabric softener sheets from your washroom. The properties that prevents clothes from static and sticking together in the dryer also removes soap scum and water marks from the hardware.

To prevent your shower head from clogging, fill a plastic bag with white vinegar and tie around shower head and leave overnight. Next morning remove and run a brush across the shower head and turn on shower for a few minutes. Potential clogging is eliminated. Do this once a month.

To keep the toilet nice and clean without using caustic cleaners, pour one cup of vinegar in toilet before retiring. The next morning before using toilet brush the toilet bowl and flush.

To absorb bathroom odors and moisture in the air, place a few pieces of charcoal in a bowl of potpourri and display as decoration. Place a few pieces of charcoal in a paper towel and place in the bottom of the clothes hamper to prevent odor. This is the same charcoal that you use in your grill outside.

Perform these steps often and your bathroom will never be a mess again.

Go through Ceramic Grills - A Brief Overview more

Ceramic Grills - A Brief Overview

Charcoal Odor

Charcoal Odor

Ceramic barbecue grills/smokers, also commonly referred to as "kamados", are steadily gaining more and more popularity among professional (competition) and backyard grill enthusiasts. Ceramic smokers are based on a clay design that has been around for centuries, most prominently used in the Japanese culture as a rice steamer. Over the years, the structural design of the earlier kamados has been altered to incorporate a ceramic shell. Currently, there are close to a dozen companies that manufacture ceramic cookers, though new companies continue to show up on the horizon as the popularity of ceramic grilling continues to increase.

There are many reasons why ceramic grills are gaining popularity, but perhaps the most commonly referred to advantages of ceramic cookers over commercial metal charcoal grills or gas grills, is the efficiency of fuel usage and consistency of fire control. As an example, a typical pork shoulder (that's slow cooked for football game day pulled pork feasting!) can be cooked at an exact temperature for 15-20 hours using only a small pile (1-2 lbs) of lump charcoal. Conversely, ceramic smokers also reach temperatures of 700 degrees or higher and can be used for safely searing a steak at incredibly hot temperatures. It's also important to mention that ceramic grills are generally considered safer than typical large wood-burning smokers, in that the fire is small and contained in a ceramic grill and the ceramic material does not conduct heat as well as metal, resulting in a surface that is not as hot to the touch.

There are several fuel sources when using a ceramic smoker. The most common and recommended fuel is natural, or lump, charcoal. Lump charcoal consists of partially burned hardwoods, such as maple or hickory, and has an advantage over common charcoal briquettes in that it doesn't give off a distasteful odor like the petroleum-containing briquettes often do. Additionally, hardwood chunks or chips are often added to the lump charcoal pile to add various smoked flavors. Most ceramic grill enthusiasts like to experiment with woods such as pecan, mesquite or hickory while grilling/smoking various foods. Next time you sit down at a popular barbeque restaurant or enjoy a meal with a friend who is an experienced cooker, try and place the different flavors in the food.

The price tag on ceramic cookers may shock the typical shopper, with a typical range of $500-$1,000. However, when the quality and versatility are compared to the common gas grill, they are well worth the investment. Ceramic cookers are a simple design and don't need all of the typical component maintenance/replacement that most gas grills do. Additionally, most companies that manufacture ceramic grills offer a lifetime warranty.

Ceramic smokers not only grill and smoke foods, but you can also bake on them because of the low consistent cooking temperatures. Many outdoor cooking enthusiasts enjoy using ceramic grills to bake foods such as pizzas and desserts. Considering this versatility, along with the quality of the design of ceramic grills, if you are serious about outdoor grilling, I highly recommend you give ceramic grills a serious look for a future investment. It most likely will become your go-to outdoor grill/smoker.


Go through Common Gas, Flatulence and Bloating Treatments extra

Charcoal Odor

There is nothing more distressing and embarrassing than experiencing bouts of bloating, flatulence and gas troubles. Since they are not just uncomfortable but they are also painful at times. Thus it is a good thing that there are common treatments that can alleviate such problems. Here are some of the best options that you may consider for relief.

Swallowed Air

Aerophagia or habitual swallowing of air is sometimes experienced by people. The condition is bothersome since sufferers of aerophagia are often unaware of the habit. Plus, it is also related to anxiety. That is why the condition is difficult to cure unless the person experiencing it also includes psychological treatments.

Thus the first step in alleviating this problem is to get the sufferer be aware of the habit. Then to reduce the anxiety felt by the sufferer, practicing relaxation techniques would be helpful. It is also important to remember that lying down right after meals would only aggravate the problem. Since swallowed gas or air can easily pass into the intestines in such position.

Poor Absorption of Carbohydrates

If carbohydrates are poorly absorbed, colon bacteria are able to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide in the body. Also flatulence that comes along with stomach upsets, diarrhea and weight loss can cause malabsorption disorders. Examples of such disorders include pancreatic insufficiency and lactose intolerance. Another common instance is the excess flatulence caused by taking in too much carbohydrate from beans, milk, wheat products or other foods that the sufferer is sensitive to.

To prevent this condition, it is best to practice chewing food carefully. You may also change or eliminate parts of your diet that you are sensitive or intolerant to. If you are unaware of the foods are sensitive to, try the diagnostic diet strategies to uncover them. Otherwise, consult your health care provider especially when diarrhea and weight loss have become worse.

Flatulence and Gas Problems

Flatulence and Gas Problems usually occurs after consumption of high-fat meals. Since these types of meals can largely produce carbon dioxide and other types of gases. The explanation for this is simple. Carbon dioxide is formed during the neutralization of the fat and stomach acids in the small intestine.

There is one simple solution to avoid flatulence and gas problem - eat smaller. To eat smaller means you have to eat only small amounts of food every meal. You can consume small servings frequently than just having three large amounts of meal in a day.

Also, avoid consuming high-fat meals to prevent fat malabsorption. Otherwise, you should consult your doctor especially when you have light-colored, loose stools.

Odorous Gas

Metabolism of amino acids and sulfur-rich proteins can produce strong, odorous gas from the intestines. Releasing it can be very embarrassing especially when it is uncontrollable.

To avoid having such gas problem, it is a great practice to chew meat and protein-rich foods in the mouth well. Too much or excessive protein consumption should also be avoided. You can as well remove the odor of the gas released by taking in some activated charcoal tablets. Just ask your doctor for further instructions or advice.

Persistent Bloating and Flatulence

Persistent flatulence, bloating and gas problems can actually lead to serious ailments like colorectal cancer, celiac diseases and inflammatory bowel issues. So if you are persistently experiencing such conditions, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Jenglai (c) 2013 [http://jenglai.newswriter.us]

Common Gas, Flatulence and Bloating Treatments

Charcoal Odor

Go through How to Get Rid of Trash Can Smell extra

How to Get Rid of Trash Can Smell

Charcoal Odor

Charcoal Odor

Trash can odors are difficult odors to remove for most cleaning products. Trash cans, trash bins, garbage cans, trash compactors, garbage disposals, roll out containers and trash dumpsters all have consistent, persistent and lingering odors after you remove the trash and refuse from the receptacle.

It is not an easy task however, to remove trash can smells, especially within a confined area, for instance in the refrigerator, in the trunk at the back of your car, in the wardrobe or in a poorly ventilated tiny room nearest the can.

Garbage is such a general term that is it difficult for most cleaning and air freshening products to be able to produce a cleaning product for effective garbage odor removal. Trash can smells can permeate anywhere, especially considering that it can contain some of the deadliest and most stubborn smells in one place.

Don't be surprised that most the things that can remove the bad smell can easily be found in your kitchen. You can also use the combination of any of the tips below together to effectively remove any bad trash can smell. Try those tips and you will say goodbye to trash can smells forever.

Trash Can Smell Removal

* Trash Can Cleanup: Hose down the can on a sunny day. Pour one gallon of water mixed with three cups of bleach into the rinsed trash can. Agitate the bleach and water mixture in the can. Let it sit for one hour, stirring the bleach every ten minutes.

Use a long-handled brush to scrub the sides of the can. Pour out the bleach and water. Be sure you scrub the lid as well. Let the can and lid dry in a sunny spot. The ultraviolet light from the sun kills the odor-causing organisms. Be sure to let the can dry before adding any new trash.

* Charcoal: Charcoal is on the top of the list of smell deodorizers as it is one of the best absorbent agents that can soak up the bad odor. Charcoal is also widely used as water filters and in most odor-removing commercial products. You can put a medium-sized chunk of charcoal inside your smelly patio for instance, and leave it there for a couple of days. You will notice that it can effectively remove the trash can smell.

* Baking soda: This is also a good absorbent. Put a generous amount of baking soda in an uncovered container (the size of the container depends on the size of the confined area) and leave it for several days. Remove the baking soda and replace it with new one and leave it for a couple of days. Continue replacing the baking soda until it has cleared the trash can smell.

* Spring Fever: The best way to get rid of the trash can smell? Get rid of it from the source. Be more prudent with your waste materials. Put things away as soon as you're done using them. Throw things away as soon you know you won't use them. Everyday maintenance is the key to a breathable, livable home.

This may all seem anal and tiring, but if you really want to avoid your home smelling like a dumpster, then you better shape up and not throw your trash all around as if your home is a dumpster. Be responsible of your trash for your own sake, or don't be and suffer the consequences.

Trash Can Smell Masking

If you can't beat them, hide them; that's the whole idea behind perfumes and some such products, isn't it? The methods below basically mask the smell with another more powerful odor rather than remove the smell, so you should be sure you are going to be happy with the result.

* Vanilla Essence: Pour several drops of vanilla essence on a couple of cotton wools. Toss the cotton wools inside the confined spaces nearest your trash can. Leave them for several days and you will notice that the area smells nice, or at least smells nicer.

* Lemon or Lime Peels: Just put some lemon or lime peels into an uncovered container and leave them inside the confined area for a couple of days. The citrus smell will naturally replace the bad trash can smell.

* Mint Extract: If you favor neither the smell of citrus nor vanilla, you can perhaps use mint extract instead. Pour several drops of mint extract on a couple of cotton wools. Toss the cotton wools inside the confined space and leave them for a couple of days.

* Coffee: Ground coffee has a nice, crisp natural aroma. Just put about a cup of ground coffee in a flat, uncovered container. Place the container inside the confined space for several days. If the bad smell is extremely horrible, put more ground coffee. The area will smell of fresh coffee for many days.

* Tea: If you don't like coffee, you can use tea bags instead. Just place 2-3 tea bags inside the confined space. The tea leaves in the bags will not only absorb the trash can smell but will also release the natural aroma of tea.

* Orange peels: Get an orange and poke it with a sharp object like a needle or fork to form small holes. Place each of the cloves inside these small holes until most of the orange surfaces are covered. It may look like a hedgehog with the cloves jutting out of the orange fruit. Leave it in the confined area for a couple of days. The area will smell nice with the said combinations.

* Pandan Leaf: It is easy to get pandan leaf in tropical countries as it is widely used in Southeast Asian cooking to add aroma to dishes. Its pleasant aroma also acts as natural air freshener. Just take a few strips of the pandan leaves and tie them into knots. Place the leaves inside the confined space and leave them until the leaves are withered or dried up. Replace the leaves regularly until the trash can smell goes away.

Want to know more? You can read more tips on How to get rid of Trash Can Smell, plus information to get rid of practically anything else that ails you - from bad breath to telemarketers to cellulite - at http://www.howtogetridofstuff.com

Go through Eat Raw to Get Rid of Body Odor extra

Body odor is something almost everyone has to deal with, and for some this poses a greater problem than for others. This is because some eat more meat, while others eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Body odor is caused by the toxins that enter our body by the foods we eat, and by reducing or eliminating the intake of toxic foods, we can also eliminate body odor.

Red meat is the worst one to cause body odor. Meat is high in protein, and studies have shown that the sweat which is produced by the Apocrine sweat glands is high in protein. And guess where the apocrine glands are located; the armpit and groin areas. This is why the sweat in these areas is more offensive than the sweat coming from your forehead.

So if we want to get rid of body odor we need to eliminate the toxic foods which include all processed foods, refined sugars, cooked foods, and get off of the high protein diet which consists of all animal proteins.

Then we need to start eating raw foods which are high in fiber. These foods will help to clean your body from the inside out, getting rid of all the toxins which cause the bad body odor.

Raw nuts and seeds are an excellent replacement for meat because they are high in protein, and contain all the essential oils which the body needs.

Fruits like blueberries, strawberries, goji berries, plums, oranges, grapes, and kiwi are excellent detoxifiers to help get rid of the nasty toxins.

Vegetables like kale, spinach, brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets, celery and peppers are also essential to add to your diet.

Herbs are a natural body deodorizer and should also be added to your daily diet. These herbs include, rosemary, thyme, basil, sage, parsley, cilantro, mint, lemon balm, oregano, and cloves.

Sprouted seeds are also great to add to your diet. You can buy organic seeds like celery, alfalfa, broccoli, sunflower, and beans and sprout them at home in a wide mouthed jar or sprouter. When buying seeds for sprouting, make sure that they are organic; eating seeds which have been treated with pesticides is not a good idea, and can even be harmful.

All these fruits, vegetables, sprouts and herbs can be juiced with a cheap juicer. They can also be blended into smoothies, or eaten by themselves as they are.

Nuts can be used to make nut milk, added to smoothies, or mixed together in a trail mix and eaten as snacks.

Body odor will not go away overnight, but by switching to a raw plant-based diet it can be eliminated over time.

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Eat Raw to Get Rid of Body Odor

Read through Mold Odor - What it Smells Like more

Funny smells in your house are often a sign that you've got an uninvited guest hanging around and making everybody sick. The first step in kicking it out is to know mold odor.

What Does Mold Smell Like?

If you've ever smelled mold before, you'll never forget it. It's the smell of something rotting, like paper or wood. It is a musty, tangy odor like there's something moist in the room. Some people say it smells like cedar; others say it smells like wet socks. Either way, look for a musty, moist odor that doesn't seem to go away no matter how many windows you open.

It's easy to get used to the smell of mold, and that's one reason it's so deadly. If you've got a room that you think might have a mold problem, leave the room and come back. Get some fresh air outside, and when you go back into the room, you'll know that something doesn't smell right.

Your Nose Knows

Sometimes you'll react to the mold before you smell it. There might be a part of your house where, as soon as you walk in, you start sneezing or your nose gets irritated. This is a sign that your nose knows there's mold. Sometimes this is the only indication.

Where To Sniff For Mold

Mold grows where there's been moisture. This means that kitchens and bathrooms are often the main culprits. You can also find mold growing in closets, under furniture and behind walls.

When in doubt, it's not a bad idea to call a specialist. If you smell something funny, you probably have a mold problem. Follow the mold odor, and you'll be on your way to kicking it out of your house.


Mold and mildew growth is a common problem in places that contain moisture. Cleansing your home of these harmful problems should be a high priority, visit http://www.getmoldremovaltips.com to get more information on how to identify mold and remove it.

Mold Odor - What it Smells Like


Examine Bad Vaginal Odor - Causes and Simple Cures to Get Rid of It Fast far more

Bad Vaginal Odor - Causes and Simple Cures to Get Rid of It Fast



Bad vaginal odor is quite a common problem which women of all ages face. Although our vagina is a self cleansing organ, often there is an imbalance of naturally occurring bacteria in the vagina. This condition is known as bacterial vaginosis and is one of the primary causes of smelly vagina in most women.

What Causes Vaginal Odor?

The reason for bacterial imbalance of the vagina which causes bad vagina odor is not very well understood. Research has merely indicated that women who douche frequently or have any other condition that lowers the level of lactobacilli bacteria present in the vagina can cause the odor. These conditions could be any one of the following -

• Excessive use of antibiotics

• Use of chemical douches

• Use of feminine-hygiene products like perfumed tampons, sanitary pads and vaginal sprays and deodorants.

Some of the other related causes of bad vagina odor are

Hygiene - Not washing the vagina properly may cause odor over a period of time. It is enough if you wash the vaginal area with plain water twice a day. Abstain from using perfumed soaps

Drugs - Certain oral contraceptives and use of intrauterine device can increase the chance of a woman contacting Vaginosis

Douching - frequently can strip the vagina of essential lubricants naturally present in it and cause the infection.

Sperm - The male sperm is alkaline in nature while the vagina is slightly acidic. Often the male sperm can tip off the acidic balance of the vagina and cause Vaginosis.

What can be done to get rid of bad vaginal odor?

• Abstain from douching

• Increase the level of lactobacilli in your daily diet by consuming foods like yogurt and acidophilus supplements.

• Have protected sex and stick to one male partner as far as possible.

• Wear cotton underwear and loose fitting-clothes to ensure proper air circulation in the vaginal area. Sleep without underwear at night to enable the vagina to breathe freely and get rid of bad vaginal odor.

I sincerely hope that the above natural cures work for you too. In case you are a chronic sufferer you may be frustrated and looking out for bacterial vaginosis bv a permanent vaginosis cure. You must consider trying out the exact remedy which finally eliminated my fishy vaginal odor. Click here bacterial vaginosis bv to know more about it.

Study Underarm Odor Treatment - How to Get Rid of Bad Smells more

Underarm Odor Treatment - How to Get Rid of Bad Smells


If you need underarm odor treatment and need to stop those sweaty, smell "pits" then you're in the right place. Read on to find out many quick and easy tips to end the odor.


The first thing that you should do is to look at your diet. Fresh armpit sweat should not smell bad. It's only when it goes stale and bacteria thrive that it starts to smell. However, sometimes the food that we eat can contribute.

Eat more fruit and vegetables and try to remove or reduce the amount of garlic in your diet. Sometimes, fish can also contribute to bad underarm odors.

Wash Well

I'm not being patronizing here but frankly, the underarms need washing twice when you are in the shower. Actually, the idea way is to take a bath.

But failing that, you should soap and rinse the underarms twice when in the shower to make sure that all the bacteria are removed.

Tomato juice rubbed into the area can also work wonders for getting rid of odors. I know it sounds strange but you should try it and see for yourself!

Clinical Antiperspirant

One way to get rid of the odors caused by sweat is to stop the sweat in the first place. No doubt you have already tried the regular antiperspirants.

Speak to your doctor and he will be able to prescribe a clinical strength version that is far better than anything you can buy in the stores.

You need only apply it once per week but a few people may feel a burning or itching sensation.

Natural Antiperspirants

If you don't like manufactured products, then you could also try a natural alternative. You can buy something called a a "crystal" from a health store which is actually a mass of minerals that have natural antiperspirant qualities.

You use it like a regular roll-on.

Need to do something about your embarrassing smelly underarms? Discover the top 3 most successful natural cures for underarm sweat at http://www.StopTheSweat.info

Study What You Need To Know About Hard Tail Yoga Pants far more

What You Need To Know About Hard Tail Yoga Pants

Charcoal Odor

Charcoal Odor

Different sports require different types of apparel. You can't swim in basketball shoes, or ski in a swimsuit. If you have just decided to take yoga lessons, you will need comfortable clothes that allow you to perform the yoga postures without difficulty. However, most sports clothes are boring and bland. If you want both comfort and style, you should get yourself a pair of Hard Tail yoga pants. The roll-down yoga pants from Hard Tail are made of 90% cotton and 10% lycra. The material is breathable and it absorbs sweat excellently.

The addition of lycra makes the fabric elastic and flexible, allowing you to perform various yoga postures with ease. The snug-fitting roll-down pants come with an adjustable fold-over waistband. Additionally, the combination of adjustable waistband and bootcut bottom flatters your curves. The pants come in four sizes: x-small (US 0), small (US 2-4), medium (US 6-8), and large (US 10-12). There are four color options to choose from, namely black, mud brown, charcoal, and midnight.

If yoga isn't really your thing, these awesome Hard Tail yoga pants are also suitable for other workouts, such as treadmill running or cross training at the gym, as well as regular weight lifting. You can even wear them to the mall or to the cafe. The breathable cotton blend fabric absorbs sweat and hence cools down your body. You can wear the pants after you have finished your workout and still feel dry and confident. You do not have to change into a new pair of pants in the locker room; you can just simply wear them until you get home.

Additionally, since the fabric absorbs sweat excellently, you do not have to worry about any unpleasant body odor. Hard Tail does not only make this kind of pants for women, there are also men's yoga pants and they also come in different styles and sizes as well. Men should not buy the women's pants since they will not suit their body shape and allow them to perform yoga postures freely.

Many people say that the roll-down pants by Hard Tail are the most comfortable and flattering yoga pants ever. Other brands tend to be too long, too tight, or even too loose. The adjustable waistband allows for the perfect fit and the fabric keeps you dry and comfortable all day long. They are reasonably priced as well. You can buy a pair for as low as $49.

Hard Tail yoga pants help you to do your yoga or workouts freely and comfortably. Do not waste your money buying other yoga pants that are not as good as Hard Tail yoga pants.

Go through Remedies For Vaginal Odor - 4 Home Remedies to Do Away With the Odor Permanently more

Vaginal odor is caused due to an infection called bacterial vaginosis. The infection causes imbalance in the pH levels of the vaginal flora. Although quite harmless, the infection could be quite embarrassing to have for a woman, what with the foul smell emanating from the vaginal area.

While there are over the counter medications available for the infection, most of them don't offer permanent relief. You need not worry though, since there are a number of simple natural remedies for vaginal odor, which can help you get rid of the problem within a few days. Here is a list of top home remedies for vaginal odor that you can provide you with permanent cure.

1. Yogurt is one of the simplest one among all the home remedies for vaginal odor. You can eat a bowl of plain yogurt everyday. You can also use a tampon dipped in yogurt and insert it inside your vagina for complete cure from the infection.

2. Garlic is known to be one of the most effective cure for bacterial vaginosis. Garlic can be applied directly on the infected area. You can also eat a few raw cloves of garlic. Once you follow both these simple tips, you are sure to get rid of the fishy odor in a few days time.

3. A simple fruit salad consisting of crushed pieces of cucumber, mint and basil is known to be among the best, when it comes to home remedies for vaginal odor. This mixture will help you get rid of the odor in quick time.

4. Most of the home remedies for vaginal odor are present in what you eat. Take good care of your diet. You should include plenty of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Make it a point to drink lots of water throughout the day too. This will help you get rid of the foul smell in quick time.

Now Pay Close Attention Here-

There is a proven all natural technique which will help you to get rid of vaginal odor in under 3 days. If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to vaginal odor then this is the most important message you will ever read- Click Here [http://bvfreein3days.com/].

Remedies For Vaginal Odor - 4 Home Remedies to Do Away With the Odor Permanently


Go through Does the Ice From Your Refrigerator's Ice-Maker Stink or Taste Bad? I Have The Solution! additional

Does the Ice From Your Refrigerator's Ice-Maker Stink or Taste Bad? I Have The Solution!

Charcoal Odor

There is nothing that can ruin your favorite beverage quicker than ice that tastes or smells bad. There are specific things that cause bad tastes and odors in the ice from your ice-maker but the good news is there are specific things you can do to eliminate them.

One of the most common and easiest problems to fix is contamination from food transfer from an open container. This can happen either from the freezer or even the fresh food section since air circulates through both in most refrigerators. To find out if the bad taste and odor in the ice is coming from inside the refrigerator, fill a regular ice-cube tray with tap water and place it in the freezer. Once frozen, dump the ice cubes into a bowl and let them sit in the freezer for a few days. After the ice sits in the freezer for a few days, smell it and taste it to see if a bad taste or odor is present. If there is a bad odor or taste present you have found the culprit and need to look for an open container that matches the odor and eliminate it.

Bad taste and odors can also transfer from something that has spilled in the refrigerator. If you can't find an open container causing the odor, you will need to empty everything out of both the fresh food and freezer compartment and thoroughly clean them with one tablespoon of baking soda mixed with one quart of warm water. Do not use bleach or ammonia because they can crack or damage the refrigerator liner. Lemon scented cleaners are also not recommended because the liner will permanently absorb the smell and be almost impossible to get rid of. Other methods of getting rid of odors after cleaning the refrigerator are placing a box of baking soda or activated charcoal in both compartments to absorb odors. Follow the instructions on the box of each to know how often to replace. To freshen the fresh food compartment place a small amount of vanilla extract in a small bowl and leave it in there for 2-3 weeks.

Another common cause of unpleasant taste and odor in ice is a bad water supply. Since ice can only taste as good as the water that is being frozen, it is very important to have taste and odor free water entering the ice maker. Water containing sulfur, algae, minerals, salt, etc will need to be filtered before it is frozen. If there is not an internal water filter in the refrigerator, one will need to be added externally to the water line before it hooks up to the refrigerator. Make sure you change the filter as often as recommended by the manufacturer to keep it working properly.

Ice can also start to taste stale if it is left in the freezer for too long. If you don't use much ice, it is a good idea to empty the entire bucket every once in a while to prevent this from happening.

Todd has managed an appliance store for over 20 years and enjoys interacting with customers on a daily basis. He loves teaching consumers about innovative appliances such as the new 4 door refrigerator. He has a new website explaining all the advanced features of the newest 4 door refrigerators from all the leading manufacturers at http://www.4doorrefrigerators.com

Go through What Causes Vaginal Odor In Women? additional

What Causes Vaginal Odor In Women?


If you are one of the many women who suffer from smelly vagina odor, don't be alarmed. While vaginal odor can be an extremely unpleasant and upsetting problem for a woman, it is important to keep in mind that every woman will suffer from this feminine condition at least once in their lifetime and are usually a result of certain causes.

In many cases, bad feminine odor is not cause by poor hygiene. You can be in good medical condition with no underpinning infection and you may still have a strong unpleasant genital odor.

There are a number of different reasons in which you can have vaginal odor. Some of these reasons are excessive sweating, douching, wearing of tight clothes or use perfumes or inappropriate lubrication inside the vagina.

Other possible reasons for women to have smelly vagina odor may be caused by discharges occurring during the menstruation cycle or after having unprotected sex, or even by things as seemingly insignificant as stress. Though uncommon, sometimes diet can also affect the genital pH factor causing the vagina to smell bad.

However, if you suddenly notice a strong vaginal odor that smell fishy, it may be due to a vaginal infection caused by an overgrowth of bacteria called Gardnerella vaginalis in the vagina. Women who suffer from this form of infection may also experience an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge that appears white, gray or yellowish.

Other medical causes for having bad vagina smell can also include cancer of the cervix, uterine or bowel, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and sexually transmitted diseases.

To minimize or eliminate vaginal odor, it is very important that you avoid wearing tight clothes and underwear. Cotton underwear are the best choice for avoiding vagina odor. In addition, make sure you wash your vagina daily with warm water and unscented soap. Avoid using scented soaps or body wash since they can actually irritate and worsen the problem. Using a scented douche or excessive douching to wash the vagina may also be the cause of your problem.

As well as hygiene factors, watch what you eat. Avoid eating heavily spiced food or consuming large amounts of alcohol which can build up the amount of yeast in your vagina causing a foul odor. Drink more water and having lots of fresh fruits that are known antioxidants such as prunes, blueberries, oranges, banana, spinach and beets to keep the vagina flushed of bacteria and other contaminants.

If you are concerned about smelly vagina, take comfort in knowing that you don't have to. Learn to get rid of vaginal odor once and for all... and start feeling fresh, sexy, confident again today!

Go through How To Get Rid Of Fishy Odor In Your Refrigerator extra

How To Get Rid Of Fishy Odor In Your Refrigerator

Charcoal Odor

Fish can easily perish. Some people freeze fishes and thaw some of them out when they need to cook them. They stick the uncooked fish again in the fridge. Refrain from thawing out fishes and meat products if you are not going to cook them right away. This actually speeds up the growth of bacteria.

Fish is best cooked when fresh. Otherwise, your refrigerator can smell rancid and rotten. You can get rid of the smell using the following ways:

1. Baking soda can actually absorb bad odor. Dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda in half a cup of warm water. Dampen dish cloth in the mixture and use it to wipe the refrigerator surface where you have stored rotten fish.

2. Vinegar also works well in diminishing bad odor. This can also be used to get rid of crusty blood stains of fish. Mix half a cup of distilled white vinegar with half a cup of water. Dip sponge or dish cloth in this mixture. Wipe the interior of the refrigerator using this solution. If you don't have time to clean, you can place a cup of white vinegar in a bowl. Place it in your fridge until the smell fades away.

3. Get pieces of charcoal and place them on a tin bowl. Place the bowl inside the fridge. Charcoal can absorb unwanted odor inside the fridge. Let it stay there as a deodorizer.

4. Cut wedges of lemon and place them all over your fridge. This can help make your fridge smell citrusy. It also gets rid of the unwanted odor of fish.

If none of these tricks works in removing the fishy odor, you might want to clean your fridge. Unplug it and open the door. Air it out for at least 30 minutes. When it has warmed up a bit, clean the dirty areas using dish washing liquid. Use sponge to get rid of dried up fish blood. After removing the blood, wipe the area clean with damp cloth. Make sure you remove oil and food residues inside the fridge. Leave the door open for another thirty minutes before plugging it back again.

Do not use harsh cleaning products such as bleach. If you don't get rid of bleach residues completely, they can mix up with your fruits and vegetables. Also, bleach smell is as unpleasant as rancid fish. Use natural cleaners so you are not in danger of food poisoning.

Is the Frigidaire refrigerator right for you? Find out more of its features from http://www.refrigeratorsadvisor.com.

Go through Odor Neutralizer a lot more

Looking for the right odor neutralizer for a specific job? This article will help you understand your odor killing options for many different sources of unpleasant smells.

It has always been a struggle for many people to manage unpleasant odors. All scents are caused by the concentration of one or more vaporized chemical compound perceived by your olfactory sense. Unpleasant smells have caused people to attempt to control them by various means. One effective way of manipulating odor is by neutralizing the scent.

An odor neutralizer is the method of counteracting the smell found to be offensive or displeasing. They affect the pre-existing odor so it becomes less and less prevalent. Often times the offending smell will be completely removed after applying the neutralizer. Most of the time odor removal is the goal, for example, the offensive odor of skunk smell. But for some tasks you just want an odor absorber. One example would be putting a pack of charcoals inside a refrigerator to absorb smells over time and to keep the area fresh.

Urine odor is one of the most prevalent smells that require scent removal or neutralization, in particular, feline odor. Many households have been seriously bothered by this kind of unpleasant odor, not just because of how strongly it stinks but the location it frequently occurs - in the carpet of your home. This problem led to the formulation of various feline odor neutralizers sold in a number of stores and websites worldwide. The most common form of odor neutralizers are sprays because they are so convenient. Others come in liquid form to be poured down on the affected area, and some are in solid forms in varying containers with a cover top which when removed releases a counteracting effect to either neutralize, remove, or absorb the unpleasantness of the odor.

Each odor neutralizer will vary in purpose; however, they are all committed to a single objective - to lessen the effect of any unpleasant odor caused by various things like feline, skunk and other animal or pet odors, shoe odor, smoke odor or human urine odor. Being aware of various types of odor neutralizers benefit domestic sanitation and even personal health care, and free you from various forms of respiratory problems or complications such as nausea and eye and throat irritation. There may be bad odors that are not harmful; still, prevention is the easiest route. The knowledge of which odor neutralizer to use for each given situation is very important.

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Odor Neutralizer

Examine Odor Neutralizer more

Looking for the right odor neutralizer for a specific job? This article will help you understand your odor killing options for many different sources of unpleasant smells.

It has always been a struggle for many people to manage unpleasant odors. All scents are caused by the concentration of one or more vaporized chemical compound perceived by your olfactory sense. Unpleasant smells have caused people to attempt to control them by various means. One effective way of manipulating odor is by neutralizing the scent.

An odor neutralizer is the method of counteracting the smell found to be offensive or displeasing. They affect the pre-existing odor so it becomes less and less prevalent. Often times the offending smell will be completely removed after applying the neutralizer. Most of the time odor removal is the goal, for example, the offensive odor of skunk smell. But for some tasks you just want an odor absorber. One example would be putting a pack of charcoals inside a refrigerator to absorb smells over time and to keep the area fresh.

Urine odor is one of the most prevalent smells that require scent removal or neutralization, in particular, feline odor. Many households have been seriously bothered by this kind of unpleasant odor, not just because of how strongly it stinks but the location it frequently occurs - in the carpet of your home. This problem led to the formulation of various feline odor neutralizers sold in a number of stores and websites worldwide. The most common form of odor neutralizers are sprays because they are so convenient. Others come in liquid form to be poured down on the affected area, and some are in solid forms in varying containers with a cover top which when removed releases a counteracting effect to either neutralize, remove, or absorb the unpleasantness of the odor.

Each odor neutralizer will vary in purpose; however, they are all committed to a single objective - to lessen the effect of any unpleasant odor caused by various things like feline, skunk and other animal or pet odors, shoe odor, smoke odor or human urine odor. Being aware of various types of odor neutralizers benefit domestic sanitation and even personal health care, and free you from various forms of respiratory problems or complications such as nausea and eye and throat irritation. There may be bad odors that are not harmful; still, prevention is the easiest route. The knowledge of which odor neutralizer to use for each given situation is very important.

Find out more ways to solve your odor problems at home or elsewhere at this Odor Neutralizer website. You can also visit http://www.AntiMicrobialAgents.org for tips on how to keep your home healthy and clean.

Odor Neutralizer


Understand Odor Removal - When a Rose Isn't a Rose far more

In recent years, research has substantiated what we all subconsciously know, namely that smell is among the most powerful of our senses. Although most of us are more aware of our sight and hearing, scents can conjure up deep-seated memories. Aromas have the power to comfort us or disgust us, to bring smiles to our faces or to set our nerves on edge.

Scent memory is a powerful phenomena, one that we experience when the whiff of sun-dried laundry fresh off the clothesline makes us flash back to the summer days of our childhood, or a stranger's cologne triggers memories of our first infatuation. Marketers understand the power of scent memory, and use that to their advantage as they blow the fragrance of cinnamon and yeast near that ubiquitous food stall in the mall or add the scent of lemon to cleaning products. We've been trained to know that, if it smells like citrus, it must be clean.

Not all smells conjure up pleasant sensations, though. Throughout the animal kingdom, creatures mark their territory with urine and pheromones that offend the human sense of smell. Skunks use smell to ward off potential predators. In the human realm, we use deodorant to mask the unwanted scent associated with perspiration and sweat, and go to great lengths to remove odor caused by environmental factors like cooking and smoking.

Indeed, successful odor removal plagues most people at some point in their lives. From reeking gym bags and smelly laundry to malodorous pet urine and stinky mildew, it's a challenge to find the right odor remover. Sprays may mask odors, but they don't remove the smell. Other products may offer temporary relief, but run the risk of harming you or your pets. Detergents may initially dispense relief, but the unwanted scent may soon return. It's as though the odor permeates to such a degree that you need something that works like an odor stain remover.

Thankfully, there is one type of material that is both incredibly effective and safe for both humans and pets. It's called zeolite, and refers to a substance with a chemical structure that is somewhat porous. Essentially, zeolites have a structure that resembles a honeycomb, and act like sieves that trap molecules of a certain size. There are about four dozen naturally occurring zeolites, and over 150 synthetic zeolites.

When it comes to odor removal, zeolites work because they have a negative molecular charge that attracts dust particles. Typically, odors are airborne, and catch a ride on dust particles. The zeolites attract the freeloaders, and then trap them in their mircopores.

But the best thing about using a product containing zeolites as an odor remover is that it's 100 percent natural. In and of itself, it has no smell, and the best zeolite odor removal products have no perfumes, chemicals, or additives. Indeed, the best of the best have been certified by the Environmental Protection Agency as environmentally safe.

While some of life's scents make us smile, it's good to know that there's an odor remover out there that can get rid of the rest.

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Odor Removal - When a Rose Isn't a Rose