Understand How To Stop Underarm Odor a lot more

How to stop underarm odor is a problem that bothers not only the individual itself but to those who are around as well. Underarm odor is like a much bigger problem for many people. When the weather gets warm, the underarm odor also gets hard to hide. It is essential for people to control the odor to build good relations and to boost the self-confidence. It builds a good feeling when one smells fresh.

Causes of Underarm Odor

In simple words, when the human body is regulating its temperature, perspiration occurs by helping the sweat glands. There are bacteria, which are present on the skin naturally and as sweat occurs it interacts with them releasing odor and acids. It is also seen that Apocrine or scent glands are the major glands that release the body odor quickly. The underarm is home to a number of Apocrine or scent glands and this makes them an ideal place for odor to form. It is important to note that the process of perspiration is odorless. It becomes smelly when it is attacked by bacteria. There are also many medical conditions, diet, medications, hormonal changes and emotional stress, which contributes to underarm odor and sweating.

It does not work every time to cover the underarm odor. Fortunately, there are many natural remedies that can help people looking for an answer to a question how to stop underarm odor. Following some simple steps can give you relief from this problem.

Wash Armpits

It is suggested to wash your underarms daily. One should wash underarm with warm water and should use antibacterial soap. Washing armpits with antibacterial soap helps in slowing down the production of bacteria. To reduce bacteria buildup one should also scrub the armpits with a wash cloth. Always dry underarms with a clean towel.

Warm Bath

One should also bathe daily and can add 2 cups of tomato juice while drawing a warm bath. Soak your body in the tub for minimum 15 minutes to get rid of armpit odors. Before getting out rinse the body with warm and clean water. Pat your body with absorbent and clean towel.


After bathe one should use deodorant or apply Antiperspirant. As these deodorants wear off so keep on applying throughout the day as required. One should use different brands and types of deodorants to find the best one that works with your body.

Underarm Hair

It is suggested to shave or trim the underarm hair. The underarm hairs trap the moisture and provide a place for bacteria to grow under sweating.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Mix 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 8 ounces of water and dip a wash cloth in this mixture. Hydrogen peroxide aids in killing the armpit bacteria. Always apply this mixture to unbroken skin. Don't use this method after shaving the armpits. One can increase the quantity of hydrogen peroxide if the proportion of this mixture is ineffective.

Changing Diet Plans

Changing diet plans also help people in the fight against how to stop underarm odor. There are foods and elements that cause excess of body odor. Some of these foods and elements are onions, garlic, curry, tobacco and alcohol. Leafy greens are a natural element that neutralize underarm odor. Using the best sources of zinc in the daily diet plan also helps in reducing the underarm odor dramatically. Chickpeas, turkey, organic beef and Lima beans are rich sources of zinc in natural foods. One can take 30mg of zinc as an alternative as well.


Get to know more useful information on underarm odor causes. Understand the causes, symptoms and natural remedies that can help you get rid of it. Learn how to stop underarm odor. Start your day with the aroma of confidence!

How To Stop Underarm Odor

Go through Ginger Helps Control Body Odor additional


You may have been told or read somewhere that if you want to control your body odor that you should stay away from ginger. This is good advice if you want to avoid body odor today. But if you are looking to solve your odor problem in the long run, then ginger can help you, provided you make the necessary changes in your diet.

What is Ginger

Ginger is a natural herb or spice that is mainly grown in the warmer climates of the world, but you can also grow your own in pots right inside your kitchen if you live in colder climates. You can use both the leaves and the root of this spice, but it is the root, which is also referred to as the rhizome, that is most commonly used.

How it Controls Body Odor

Ginger tea is an excellent detoxifier as it contains antioxidants which help to remove toxins from your body by helping the body to break into a sweat. When you sweat, your skin releases the body fluids that have circulated and removed wastes from your body. Due to the antioxidants in ginger, your body will release even more toxins into the sweat, and thus the smell of your sweat will be worse than normal. This is a normal side effect of detoxing, but the end result is great, as once the toxins are removed, you will notice a decrease in your body odor.

Grate about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of fresh ginger and add it to your hot bath water. A hot bath alone will help to sweat out the toxins, but when you add ginger, it speeds up the detoxification. Stay in the tub for at least 30 to 60 minutes in order to make the most out of it.

When you get out of tub, dry yourself and then wrap yourself up in a bathrobe or a couple of large towels and crawl underneath your blankets. You will find yourself soaked with sweat in a matter of minutes as this also promotes sweating, but it is not as hard as staying in the bath tub. Once you are done sweating, you should take a shower to wash off the toxins from your skin.

Adding Ginger to Your Diet

Adding ginger to your diet is not difficult and can be very tasty. Ginger goes well when you juice it along with other fruits such as apples, bananas, grapes, pears, pineapples, mangoes and oranges. You can also use ginger in your salad dressings, in nut milk and smoothies or make ginger tea or lemonade.

For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101


Ginger Helps Control Body Odor

Read 3 Ways to Control Body Odor additional


Body odor is not something that anyone wants to deal with, as it can be embarrassing if it gets out of hand. Proper hygiene can do wonders for helping to control body odor, but there are also a few other things that you can do to help with the problem.

The common understanding is that body odor is caused by sweating, but, the truth is that the odor is actually caused by the toxins that the sweat brings out to the surface of the skin. Thus when your body is free from toxins, then a foul body odor will not be a problem. Here are 3 ways to control body odor, aside from proper hygiene.

Healthy Diet

When the foods that go into your body are dead because they have been heavily processed, and contain many harmful ingredients, then the smell of those foods will not be pleasant when they come out. These are foods that the body does not know how to break down and digest properly, and thus they remain in the body for a period of time and become toxic before the body can begin to eliminate them.

But when you feed the body live foods that it can digest and eliminate within a day or so, then the foods do not have a chance to become toxic, and thus the body odor is reduced, and in many cases eliminated altogether.

The foods that need to be eliminated are animal proteins, particularly red meat, fast and processed foods, as well as all junk foods such as chips and candy bars, as they can all cause body odor.

Then the foods to incorporate are live plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices and nuts and seeds. Ginger root, lemon balm, mint, sage and cilantro are excellent herbs to naturally help with body odor.

Juice Fast

A juice fast will give the digestive system a break, and during this time, no new toxins are introduced to the body. Thus the toxins that have accumulated in the body for a while are able to leave the digestive tract and the blood stream. The fewer amount of toxins that are in the body, the less offensive the odor will be.


Sweating is good for you, for the more you sweat, the more toxins can be released from the body. To promote the body to break into a sweat, you can take a hot bath, sit in a sauna or engage in exercise.

Just remember that when you promote your body to break into a sweat, that you consume plenty of fluids to replace those that you lost during sweating.

For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101. There you will find tasty raw food recipes along with other raw food diet tips. You can also visit http://livingfood101.blogspot.com/ for more articles.

3 Ways to Control Body Odor


Go through How to Install a Carbon Filter far more

Hydroponics is all about growing plants without using soil. In hydroponic gardening, plants are grown in alternative media like coir, rockwool, water-based media, etc. Air filtration is another important part of hydroponics. Growing plants need a regular supply of fresh air to prepare their food. Since most hydroponic gardens are in an indoor setting, providing a regular supply of fresh air becomes an important aspect to consider.

Carbon Filters
Carbon filters are the ideal air filtration solution for hydroponics gardens. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and effective. Along with filtering air, carbon filters also trap odor molecules, mainly produced by vegetable plants. Thus, carbon filters serve a dual purpose of improving air circulation and keeping it odor-free.

Charcoal carbon filters are the most popular air filters available, especially the IGS Goblin and PHAT Hydro filters. They contain activated charcoal, which is a form of processed carbon. This type of carbon has many minute pores in it and a vast surface area to participate in chemical reactions. When air passes through the filter, contaminant particles are trapped in the pores and neutralized by the activated carbon.

Installing a Carbon Filter
Installing a carbon filter is quite easy and only takes a matter of minutes. IGS and PHAT filters simply need to be hung over the plants or placed on the floor next to them. These filters are especially popular with people looking for a HydroHut grow room compatible filter.

If you have already installed an exhaust fan for your garden, you can just install your carbon filter over it. These filters are available as charcoal fiber scrubbers and can be used in front of any exhaust fan. The filter is attached to the input side of the fan. You can attach the filter using tape, hooks, or clamps. Alternatively, you can create a small duct joining the filter to the fan. The only precaution to take with this method is to check that the filter is placed at a sufficient distance over the plants. This allows air to circulate around the plants before it is filtered.

Replacing the Filter
Over time, the pores in the carbon filter are filled with contaminants and the filter has no space for further contaminant molecules. When this happens, you will need to replace your filter with a new one. Most carbon filters need to be replaced around 12 - 18 months after they are installed.

Charcoal Odor

Carbon filters are the ideal air filtration solution for hydroponics gardens. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and effective.

How to Install a Carbon Filter

Charcoal Odor

Examine Vaginal Odor Caused by BV - Get Rid of it For Good far more

Vaginal odor is not just an embarrassing condition, but it is also accompanied by an itching and burning sensation in the vagina. There could be many reasons for vaginal odor such as diseases like Chlamydia, genital herpes, gonorrhea or Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Bacterial Vaginosis, also called BV, is another reason for vaginal odor. If you suffer from vaginal odor you should get yourself checked by a doctor so that you can determine the exact cause of the problem.

If your odor is caused by BV, you need to know that it is not necessarily a sexually transmitted disease and that it can be triggered by a hormonal imbalance or any other reason. What happens as a result of getting BV is that there is an explosion in the growth rate of bacteria in the vagina resulting in a thick discharge that has a foul odor.

You will need to treat the Bacterial Vaginosis in order to get rid of the odor. Your doctor will probably prescribe you a course of antibiotics in order to kill the bacteria. However, this is not sufficient because unless you remove the underlying cause of the BV, it will keep appearing. This is the reason why most women who suffer from BV never seem to get free of it for good.

As a result, you have to make changes in your lifestyle so that you can prevent the bacteria from proliferating. You have to avoid eating foods that encourage the growth of bacteria. These include sugars, unprocessed cheese, fermented drinks and food made of gluten. You also have to have better hygiene and should clean yourself well every time you use the bathroom, especially if you are menstruating. Remember to wipe from front to back and to always keep your genitals well groomed. Always wear cotton undergarments instead of nylon ones.

Women who use a multitude of products in order to mask the odor from their vagina are wasting their time because perfumed sprays and douches will only aggravate the problem.

If you suffer from vaginal odor caused by BV, you should complete your antibiotic course to ensure that the bacteria are completely killed, in addition to which you should follow the above steps to prevent a recurrence.


Stop Suffering from Fishy Vaginal Odor

If you have been desperately looking around for a cure to Vaginal Odor then this is the most important message you will ever read- Click Here.

Vaginal Odor Caused by BV - Get Rid of it For Good


Read through How to Prevent Bad Vaginal Odor From Happening to You additional

How to Prevent Bad Vaginal Odor From Happening to You



Vaginal odor is something that a lot of women experience at some point in their lives. It is usually caused by an infection known as bacterial vaginosis. If you have this infection, then you know how embarrassing it can be. You are plagued with a strong odor that comes from your most private areas. This makes you feel dirty, ashamed and wanting to hide from the world. Going out in public is a chore because you fear that someone is going to catch a whiff of the odor that your body is producing. This bad vaginal smell also affects your sex life. You don't feel pretty or confident so you don't want your partner to be around you. The smell isn't exactly going to be a big turn on.

Thankfully, you can prevent this bad vaginal odor from ever occurring. Women can take precautionary steps to change their habits so bacterial vaginosis never happens to them. One of the most common reasons why women get this infection is due to wiping in the wrong direction. When you wipe back to front, fecal matter can make its way inside of you by getting on the tissue. If you change the direction in which you wipe, your chances of having a bad vaginal odor episode in the future are greatly reduced. Staying away from pools and hot tubs for prolonged periods of time will also cut your chances of getting an infection in half. Using a condom while having sex with your partner will also help to prevent yourself from getting an episode of bacterial vaginosis since the bacteria on your partner can transfer to your body. Using the condom will prevent that from happening.

Unpleasant vaginal discharge and smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help! You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

Read Eat Raw to Get Rid of Body Odor a lot more

Body odor is something almost everyone has to deal with, and for some this poses a greater problem than for others. This is because some eat more meat, while others eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Body odor is caused by the toxins that enter our body by the foods we eat, and by reducing or eliminating the intake of toxic foods, we can also eliminate body odor.

Red meat is the worst one to cause body odor. Meat is high in protein, and studies have shown that the sweat which is produced by the Apocrine sweat glands is high in protein. And guess where the apocrine glands are located; the armpit and groin areas. This is why the sweat in these areas is more offensive than the sweat coming from your forehead.

So if we want to get rid of body odor we need to eliminate the toxic foods which include all processed foods, refined sugars, cooked foods, and get off of the high protein diet which consists of all animal proteins.

Then we need to start eating raw foods which are high in fiber. These foods will help to clean your body from the inside out, getting rid of all the toxins which cause the bad body odor.

Raw nuts and seeds are an excellent replacement for meat because they are high in protein, and contain all the essential oils which the body needs.

Fruits like blueberries, strawberries, goji berries, plums, oranges, grapes, and kiwi are excellent detoxifiers to help get rid of the nasty toxins.

Vegetables like kale, spinach, brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets, celery and peppers are also essential to add to your diet.

Herbs are a natural body deodorizer and should also be added to your daily diet. These herbs include, rosemary, thyme, basil, sage, parsley, cilantro, mint, lemon balm, oregano, and cloves.

Sprouted seeds are also great to add to your diet. You can buy organic seeds like celery, alfalfa, broccoli, sunflower, and beans and sprout them at home in a wide mouthed jar or sprouter. When buying seeds for sprouting, make sure that they are organic; eating seeds which have been treated with pesticides is not a good idea, and can even be harmful.

All these fruits, vegetables, sprouts and herbs can be juiced with a cheap juicer. They can also be blended into smoothies, or eaten by themselves as they are.

Nuts can be used to make nut milk, added to smoothies, or mixed together in a trail mix and eaten as snacks.

Body odor will not go away overnight, but by switching to a raw plant-based diet it can be eliminated over time.


For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101. More on What Causes Body Odor.

Eat Raw to Get Rid of Body Odor


Study How to Get Rid of Smelly Feet Using Inexpensive Foot Odor Remedies much more


A common complaint for many individuals is foot odor. There are a lot of things that cause people to have smelly feet. Stinky feet can be caused by normal sweating, fungus, athlete's foot and bacteria. Luckily there are also a lot of remedies. When individuals sweat it creates a moist environment for bacteria to begin reproducing. Normally sweat dries and bacteria dries, but since the majority of individuals keep their feet covered, they stay moist and bacteria keep reproducing.

Excessive sweating creates the perfect environment for the growth of excessive fungus and bacteria. This is what causes the overwhelming odor. Foot odor is merely a sign that the sweat glands are overactive. When sweaty secretions break down they generate the unpleasant odor. Even though foot odor is extremely unpleasant, it is not serious. Having terrible smelling feet can be embarrassing as it often implies bad hygiene. No one has to put up with bad smelling feet any more. Here are some of the best ways how to get rid of smelly feet.

Using preventative measures may help avoid foot odor. In addition, keeping feet dry and clean will help cut down on the bad smell as well. Washing feet with an antibacterial soap on a regular basis will help kill the bacteria causing the odor. Make sure to dry feet completely after washing or before putting on fresh socks. One preventative measure is wearing cotton socks. They let the feet breathe and the cotton will also absorb the perspiration. Another measure one can take is to change shoes every day. This will allow the shoes to dry out before wearing again and also help to avoid any shoe odor as well. Swabbing feet once or twice per day with rubbing alcohol is an inexpensive and highly effective way how to get rid of stinky feet and shoe odor.

There are many natural remedies available to combat smelly feet. Spraying the bottom of both feet with antiperspirant is one remedy that may work. The antiperspirant will stop the feet from sweating and with any luck the odor. Soaking feet several times per week in a solution of apple cider vinegar and warm water may control the bacterial buildup and reduce the smell. Another natural remedy that may help combat shoe odor is sprinkling cornstarch or baking soda inside shoes to help absorb both moisture and odor. Shaking on a deodorizing odor killing powder will also help avoid foot odor.

Once foot odor begins, the home is full of natural remedies that can banish or at least alleviate foot odor. If foot odor is severe or persistent there are prescription sprays available that provide relief from even the most stubborn cases of odor.

This article covers many aspects of how to get rid of smelly feet that are also explained on my site. There are numerous other ways to alleviate conditions like smelly shoes and foot odor. Feel free to visit my site to read more!

How to Get Rid of Smelly Feet Using Inexpensive Foot Odor Remedies


Understand Activated Charcoal and Its Significance Across Industries a lot more

A particular form of carbon that has been specially treated to render it an extremely porous quality with a large surface area is known as activated charcoal. The large surface area makes this form of carbon suitable for adsorption as well as chemical reactions. Typically, it is derived from charcoal. However, there are certain other materials such as coconut shell from which it has been lately derived.

From the chemical industry to the medical sector to the transportation line, this material finds uses in a multitude of applications. In this article, we shall take a quick look at the various applications of activated charcoal.

Metal finishing: This material finds wide ranging uses in electroplating and metal purification processes. Owing to its adsorption properties, activated carbon shows satisfactory results in removing organic impurities from various metal plating solutions to help achieve the desired plating performance.
Environmental sector: This material has been effectively used in spill cleanups, air and water purification, ground water treatment and other similar operations. Small scale as well as large scale water filtration systems immensely benefit from the use of such treated carbon.
Medical sector: In the early 19th century, activated carbon was sold as a cure for flatulence or irritable bowel syndrome. Besides, it is also considered to be an effective agent in preventing the absorption of poison in the human body as it binds to the toxin. Similarly, it has been used for absorbing harmful drugs from the body of patients who have suffered from poisoning.
Vodka and whiskey purification: Since the clarity of alcohol is directly associated with its consumer appeal, filtration and purification is an important aspect in this industry. Activated carbon helps remove impurities without affecting the body and flavor of these drinks. It leads to enhanced organic purity.
Odor and moisture removal: Activated carbon is also known to absorb moisture from its immediate atmosphere hence it is widely used in applications that require low-humidity conditions. In addition, it is also used for absorbing odor in refrigeration systems and other similar places.
Consumer products: Products like gas masks also make use of activated charcoal to help the user stay safe when dealing with harmful gases and chemicals.
Food and beverage industry: Applications such as glycerin purification, decolorization (especially of sugar), purification of edible oil, decolorization and deodorization of juices etc rely on the use of activated carbon.

While these are just a few industries that benefit from the use of activated charcoal, there are myriad of other industries and applications where it is widely used. The best part about this material is that it can also be regenerated and re-used once its adsorptive capacity is restored.

Charcoal Odor

I have many years of experience in chemical industry. I am very passionate about writing and currently I am writing on Industrial charcoal. So this article related to activated charcoal & activated carbon products in market.

Activated Charcoal and Its Significance Across Industries

Charcoal Odor

Read Home Water Filtration Systems, Remove Bad Odor, Taste, And Dangerous Chemicals Like Chlorine And Flu far more

I've looked at and studied many home water filtration systems.  While no system is perfect there are systems that have been engineered for high levels of filtration (8 to 15 stages) and performance with low maintenance and at a surprisingly low cost.

Protect Yourself And Your Family From Contaminated Water

Water Filtration Means Water Safety Many people are concerned over water safety, particularly drinking water safety.  Sometimes the concern is due to a sulfur smell or taste but you may have a real concern because of chlorine and fluoride in your water particularly with infants in the home.   If you are concerned and want to remove the bad odors and taste from your water then you are in the right place.  Others would also have concerns about the chlorine and other chemicals in their shower or bath water we will also discuss this. Home water filtration systems can accomplish removing all of this in one central unit for the whole house or you may choose separate filtering for your drinking water and showers. 

Drinking water filters attach to the tap or can be mounted under the counter.  A separate shower or bath water filter can be used for bathing water. The chemicals and minerals in the water also make soaps and shampoo less effective and even leave a film on your skin, your clothes, and your dishes.  A simple water softener can take care of many of these cleaning issues yet a whole home water filtration system might be the best choice because they also make your water healthier.

Water Filter Basics The most common drinking water filters are carbon filters, UV filters, reverse osmosis filters, and ceramic filters.  All clean your water of particulate matter and microorganisms.  Microorganisms are of particular concern when considering a well water in line filter. As you will see there is a great variance in exactly what these different types of filters do.  There are four basic types of filter used singly or together in home water filtration systems,

Carbon filters usually screw on to the tap.  Water is cleaned by passing it through layers of activated charcoal.  The impurities stick to the carbon and clean water passes out.   Brita and resin based water filters use powdered carbon bound with a resin into small blocks that provide even higher filtration than activated charcoal.

Ceramic filters work the same way but use silicon diatomaceous earth instead of carbon.  These passive filters provide a lower level of filtration than other types and the filters need to be changed at regular intervals because they lose ability to clean over time.

UV Water filters uses focused ultraviolet light to kill microorganisms and other biological impurities in the water.  These filters don't remove the particulate matter.  When used in home systems UV filters are usually part of a system that uses other processes to remove the debris.

Reverse osmosis water filters provide the highest level of purification of your water.  Usually there is an activated carbon filter combined with a UV filter although other filtering is sometimes used.  These systems can even remove salt from sea water.  These filters ensure that your drinking water is as pure as possible.

Filters For Shower And Bath: Shower and bath filters are becoming popular.  In many places, our water is over-chlorinated.  Chlorinated water, like "hard water," makes your shampoos and soaps less effective, when you remove the chlorine you will probably find that you use less soap and shampoo. Perhaps the biggest trouble with chlorine is a health issue.  The chlorine vaporizes with the steam in your shower and irritates the lungs.  Shower filters that attach at the shower head can filter out chlorine and other impurities and removes these unhealthy vapors.  These filters typically are metallic because the carbon doesn't work well with hot water.

Home Water Filtration Systems: The best home water filtration systems give you the whole shooten' match.  These systems attach where water comes into the house and the water passes through multiple filters to remove all sediment, chemicals, bacteria, and contaminants before they enter your home.   All of the water that your family uses is filtered, pure, and healthy. Rest easy knowing that chlorine and fluoride water filters are working along with filtering for bacteria, mercury, lead, and arsenic along with 500 or more other dangerous contaminants.

Charcoal Odor
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Home Water Filtration Systems, Remove Bad Odor, Taste, And Dangerous Chemicals Like Chlorine And Flu

Study How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor That You Have Had for a Long Time - Great Tips for Immediate Relief additional


Here are some EFFECTIVE vaginal odor cures that will get you on the relief track FAST. Look, if you're embossed and frustrated because of your vagina smell, then you need to just take personal interest in treating yourself. Take 2 minutes to read this article to learn about how you can take charge of the way you smell and get rid of vaginal odor almost immediately.

Vaginal Infections

The most common cause of vagina odor is vaginal infections. You can get vaginal infections through sexually transmitted diseases, by having oral sex, having unprotected sex, and having multiple sexual partners. If you haven't had sex, even then it is possible that you have an infection. This can happen to virgins who frequently wash the vagina which by itself is a self cleansing organ. Making use of douches too can result in infections. For normal vagina hygiene, washing the labia with plain water twice a day is more than enough.

Leftover tampon

Many a times the foul vagina smell is a result of a leftover tampon which you may not have removed at the end of your cycle. Remember it is essential to change your sanitary protection at regular intervals even if your flow is light. At the end of your periods do REMEMBER to remove the tampon


Women who sweat excessively in the vaginal and groin area must take necessary steps to ensure that moisture does not accumulate in these body parts. Wearing underwear made of cotton fabric is best to address this issue. Apply powder which has cornstarch instead of talc in the area where your legs join your pelvis. You must also trim your public hair short.


Another feminine odor cure which is really effective to get rid of vaginal odor fast is apple cider vinegar. Mix apple cider vinegar with a quart of lukewarm water. Use this as the final wash to cleanse your genital area. You must use this remedy only once a day subject to a maximum use for 10 days.

Want to get rid of vaginal smell permanently? Did you know a) There is a proven natural technique which will help you to get rid of foul vaginal odor in just 3 days b) Developed by a chronic sufferer, this scientific method will permanently relieve embarrassing vaginal odor in 3 days. To get rid of chronic odor click - bacterial vaginosis bv

How to Get Rid of Vaginal Odor That You Have Had for a Long Time - Great Tips for Immediate Relief

Understand Home Remedies to Stop Feminine Odor a lot more

Home Remedies to Stop Feminine Odor


Feminine odor can be started by a number of reasons, but the most popular is due to an infection known as bacterial vaginosis. Poor hygiene choices and bacteria making its way inside of the body can start this infection. If you have this infection, then you know how badly you want it to be gone.

This vaginal odor and bacterial vaginosis problem is making you feel like less of a woman. You are so embarrassed by the odor that is coming from your body and you just want it to go away. You hate living life like this and you want it to stop. You want to return to being a confident woman like you once were, before everything went downhill. Luckily, there are things that you can do at home, without the help of a doctor that will bring you relief fast.

Some home remedies to stop feminine odor include garlic. When inserted into the vagina, garlic helps to restore the natural pH balance and helps to get rid of the odor. Some women use garlic all the time as a means to clean out their vagina and get everything back to normal.

Another home treatment for vaginal odor is to douche with a vinegar and water mixture. This will also help to naturally restore the pH balance of the vagina and also help to flush out the infection. A few days of this procedure and you will notice that your bacterial vaginosis will be gone.

Going to the doctor's and filling a prescription for bacterial vaginosis doesn't have to be an option when you can use these at home treatments and get relief fast.

Use these tips today so you can finally get relief to stop feminine odor so your life can return to normal and you can regain confidence.

If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.

Examine How Do I Remove the Smell of Cigarette Smoke in a Car? additional

How Do I Remove the Smell of Cigarette Smoke in a Car?

Charcoal Odor

The car's engine is in tip-top shape and the body look's nice and shiny. A potential buyer dropped by and had a look at your used car that's on sale. Everything was going was going well... until the car door was opened and the putrid smell of cigarette smoke from the inside filled the otherwise pristine air.

This is a common problem among used car sellers who love to smoke inside their cars. Cars that have the smell of smoke are more difficult to sell because let's face it - not everybody smokes and not everybody can bear its smell. Thus, it is important to get rid of this smell before putting a car up for sale.


The key concept in our crusade for smell eradication is "adsorption". Yes, with a "d". Adsorption is a scientific property of many substances that allow them to attract other particles on their surface. Bad smell, in particular, is caused by numerous odor particles that are suspended in the air. Hence, we will use adsorbent materials as magnets that will remove these nasty particles out.

There are many options in as far as the right kind of adsorbent, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will list down the two most common agents that are in use today.

1. Baking Soda

By far, this is the most common among all the possible choices. Baking soda is often touted as the "miracle powder" as it magically removes any trace of smell on almost any surface just by getting in contact with it for a considerable amount of time.

There are two ways to administer this chemical: powdered and damp. Damp baking soda is more adsorbent than dry powder so that it is more preferable to use compared to the other. However, damp baking soda may be hard to remove on some surfaces, so that its dry, powder form is preferred. After letting the baking soda sit for a while (as long as you can bear), it can be removed using a duster and a vacuum cleaner, and poof! The smell is gone.

However, baking soda can react to some surfaces, especially those that are slightly acidic, like some types of leather, but this is quite rare. The biggest disadvantage of using baking soda is its color. Baking soda that got stuck in nooks and crannies are not very pleasant to behold. Furthermore, since baking soda is slightly alkaline, it may accelerate corrosion at the point of contact.

2. Charcoal

This not going to be some rocket science experiment. Charcoal was actually one of the more popular choices for odor eradication before baking soda took the driver's seat. It is known to be an all natural colloid. Colloids are substances that exhibit an adsorbent property, among others. Thus, charcoal is surprisingly effective in removing nasty smells. It is perfect for those places that are painted black, so that any residue

Get some charcoal, powder it (for maximum effect), put it in a coffee filter and let it stay inside the car for about a week. You can also sprinkle it on the car's flooring and also in corners. Witness how the odor of cigarettes slowly go away. Of course, continuous smoking inside the car will defeat the process.

The main disadvantage of charcoal is the speed at which it works. Some people simply do not have the time and energy to wait for a week for results. Furthermore, merely putting adsorbent bags inside the car will only remove the smell that's already in the air, not those that are deep seated on surfaces, thus, using other agents in tandem with charcoal is preferable.

These are two adsorption products that will get rid of that cigarette smell in your new used car.

For more information on Ontario used cars and wide selection of car accessories please visit our Ontario car dealership.

Examine Green Clean Service Using Non-Toxic Products additional

Green Clean Service Using Non-Toxic Products

Charcoal Odor

There has been a significant change over the last twenty years or so with the green movement. Back then, it was thought of as a group of radicals willing to disrupt the wheels of progress. They were activists that would be willing to be arrested by trespassing on private properties to stop oil companies from drilling, or would latch themselves to trees in an effort to stop timber companies from cutting down their trees.

Back then, they gathered a lot of press attention with their actions but gradually through proper information dissemination and with backing from scientific research, people began to hear their cause and reasons. Slowly but surely, the green movement began going mainstream. These days, the effects of the green movement are seen everywhere. In fact, people have started looking at the green industry as niches where they could have their careers. There is growth businesses that are green based, like the green clean service. A green cleaning service utilizes cleaning agent products that are environmentally responsible. These are cleaning agents that are made naturally and do not have toxic elements. This can be a hard thing to do since most cleaning agents are based on chemicals which are strong and stringent. However, if you think about it, most cleaning agents are based from things that are non toxic at all.

Here are some of the things that we use for cleaning that are based on natural products:

- Citrus. We use citrus based elements as a cleaning and disinfecting agent. These have acidic qualities that help eliminate smells and stains.

- Vinegar. Vinegar is a natural fermentation of sugar based liquids that become acidic in nature and can eliminate stains and blotches.

- Salt. Because of the abrasive nature of salt, it can also be used as an alternative for cleaning. In fact, salt was often used by Roman Catholic nuns as their toothpaste as it worked well for cleaning teeth.

- Talc. Talc has whitening properties that help cover any stains. This is one of the two major agents used in baking soda, which is wildly considered a cure all cleaning agent.

- Charcoal. Charcoal is often used to absorb smells and stains in close quarters. Along with baking soda, charcoal is used to take the smell of in places like refrigerators and closets that may have a certain lingering odor.

Knowing your basic chemistry principles is an advantage in finding nature based products as a cleansing agent. Of course you still need water as a solvent in mixing certain combination to make a nature based cleaning agent. But it is indeed possible to have home made and green cleaning products.

Finally! A great resource about green clean services is here! This is the perfect time to ensure that our future generations can still have a better world to live in. Green cleaning services are slowly becoming a hit for people with genuine concern for the world!

Examine Tips for Choosing the Right Extractor Fan far more

Charcoal Odor

There was a time in the recent past when an extractor fan was only found in the most upscale kitchens. Today you will find a version of the extractor fan in most kitchens around the world, but especially in the kitchens of the United Kingdom and the United States.

When most people think of choosing the extractor fan for their kitchen all they really consider is the color of the housing panel and whether it is going to match their kitchen dรฉcor. There is a lot more to an extractor fan than the panel that catches the fumes and directs them to the exhaust port.

You can buy these exhaust vents that have ducts that transport the heat and odors outside of your home, and you can buy the version that will filter the air it takes in, remove the offensive particles, and send it back to you. This second type of exhaust fans use activated charcoal filters to clean the air before allowing it to return to your kitchen.

When you purchase the variety that has a ductwork taking the heat, odor, grease particles, and combustible particles outside you will not have to worry about changing filters. These items are fairly maintenance free unless you purchase one that has both ducts and filters. The ducts have to connect to the hood and go directly outside so their placement is generally on an exterior wall of the room. Most apartments have the filtered version because they do not always have the ability to install the ducts so that they extend outdoors. The ductwork can be placed in the ceiling above the hood as well as in the wall behind the hood. Some of you may be familiar with the old style that had you pull a chain to open a fan that was installed directly behind the cooking surface.

When you choose the variety that uses activated charcoal filters to cleanse the air that passes through it you will have to maintain those filters and change them periodically. They are not difficult to change, and they are not expensive, but it is another thing that you have to remember to upkeep.

You can buy these vented hoods to go over your stove that have light fixtures included. The light allows for you to have better light on your cooking surface after you install the appliance. Without a light fixture included the hood will block some of the light that would normally be thrown onto your stove surface.

When you go to shop for these items you will have to decide how much you are willing to spend on them before you go. Next try and decide what features are most important to you. If you feel that you cannot live with a filtered version you may have to change your mind on some of the other features in order to find an item that is within the price range you have set. You also want to check for what electrical connections will need to be made to install the appliance.

An extractor fan is placed over stoves to remove the odors and grease particles while you are cooking. An extractor fan is available in many price ranges so you have to know what features are the most important to you when you go to buy one. You can contact us for more information.

Tips for Choosing the Right Extractor Fan

Charcoal Odor

Study What's The Best Air Purifier For Pets? a lot more

What's The Best Air Purifier For Pets?

Charcoal Odor

What's the best air purifier for dogs, cats, or other pets? That depends on several factors-what type of pet, what types / sources of pet odors (feces, urine, general pet odor), how many pets, how large the pet area is, your budget, and other factors like how severe the odor or allergies are, etc.

Interestingly, many pet odors and human allergies have a common cause: dander. What is dander? Pet dander is composed of dead skin cells, oils/particles from the animal's skin, small fecal particles, bacteria, bits of hair / fur, saliva, etc. When this dander becomes airborne, by itself or mixed with dust, we often sense odor in the pet's area, and if we have allergies, start sneezing or have some other allergic reaction. Odor, of course, also comes from a dog's, cat's, or other animal's urine or feces. And as hard as we clean, sometimes that odor lingers.

So which air purifier is really the best for eliminating odor from dogs and cats,a and airborne dander / dust particles? The bottom line is to get the one that has the features that best suit your personal situation. Here are some tips: 1) If the main issue is allergies from breathing in dander / dust / particles, make sure the air purifier has a true HEPA filter. 2) If pet odors are the issue, look for activated carbon or charcoal, and the more the better as this carbon traps the tiny, airborne organic molecules that come from pet dander, skin oils, urine, etc. Those elements are what our noses detect as the 'odor'. 3) Get an air purifier that covers the amount of area where the animal lives / moves. If the dog, cat or other animal is in an enclosed space, you'll need a smaller unit than if the dogs / cats runs freely in the home. Just look at the total square footage of where the animal can roam and compare to the listed coverage of the air purifier (most will show this in the technical specifications).

And if you can get it, choose an air purifier with healthy negative OH- ions, not ozone, as these ions cause particles to fall out of the air before we breathe them, and they kill airborne bacteria / viruses. The two main units that we would recommend for pets are the Blueair 450E and the Winix 9500. The Blueair 450E has a powerful HEPA filter, activated carbon for odors, and negative ions, plus automatic sensors, and a remote. The Winix 9500 Ultimate Pet Air Purifier has similar features, but less carbon, and is a little cheaper. Both are good, but if you can spend a little more, we would recommend the Blueair 450E over the Winix unit because of the superior HEPA filter, increased carbon, and lifetime warranty.

About The Author: Rex Murphy is an avid health enthusiast, former martial arts instructor, and owner of Air Purifiers and Cleaners.com. Rex is also a musician, and has a Bachelor of Science degree in Pre-Med Studies/Psychology, as well as many years of study in natural healing methods.

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We have an expert staff--call us toll-free with any questions. We are here to help! 1-800-701-2513

Read through How to Remove the Cigarette Odor From Your Car more

If you smoke, you do not smell the tobacco in the car, but if you are not a smoker and have get in a car from a relative who smokes two packs a day, the smell will bother you. Here is how you remove the smell.

Here 's how:

1. Wash your car 's interior including carpeting, upholstery and carpets using a shampoo that eliminates odor, available at household stores.
2. Wash all surfaces that can be cleaned with the same shampoo. Place a small amount directly on a sponge and rub then wipe.
3. Clean all windows inside with a cleaning solution. Repeat the procedure if necessary.
4. Sprinkle baking soda on dry carpet, rubbing with your hands. Wait a week and then turn off the unit.
5. Clean leather with a spray solution available to auto dealers and household goods stores.
6. Clean the ashtray with the vacuum to remove ashes. Place a small amount of baking soda or sand ashtray to absorb odors.


* To freshen the smell of car seats keep as dry sheets, or hold a small piece of charcoal in a container intact (such as a jar with small holes in the lid).
* Whenever possible keep the windows open when you smoke.
* You may need to replace the roof lining if you can not remove the smell of smoke.


* Cigarette smoke can be extremely difficult to remove. If you fail consider alternative car carrying a professional cleaning.
* Car air fresheners may cover the smell of smoke, but not remove it.

Charcoal Odor

Alexandra is the editor of this articles, but she also writes for [http://www.burglaralarmmonitoring.org/]. This is a website where you can find out more about the best home alarm companies [http://www.burglaralarmmonitoring.org/find-the-best-home-alarm-companies-for-the-utmost-protection].

How to Remove the Cigarette Odor From Your Car

Understand How Can I Get Rid of Cat's Urine - 3 Tips more

How Can I Get Rid of Cat's Urine - 3 Tips

Charcoal Odor

Cat's urine can be one of the most powerful smells that can ruin the inside of someone's house. If cat's urine infiltrates into fabrics, it can be next to impossible to remove. Here are some tips on how to get rid of the odor of cats urine.

1. Because cats urine is an organic acidic compound, this can be neutralized using ph balancing products, such as baking soda.

2. If the urine is outside, it's possible to use charcoal, activated charcoal mixed with water and applied to the area with a watering can or hose.

3. If the urine has contaminated fabrics such as carpet, it's possible to use chemical products such as bleach. These must only be used as a last resort, not a lot of animal owners like using these kinds of products around their animals, so it's best to take advice from your local veterinary.

Their are also some things you should not do when cleaning the affected area. Some cleaning products have a similar chemical compound as cats urine. Ammonia which is found inside cleaning products and urine, can make your cat pee in the same spot over and over again. This is because the cleaning product will smell exactly the same as urine to your cat, making them return over and over again.

It's better to take your time and make sure you use the right products to clean up the urine. Some natural products mixed together will eliminate the odor straight away, whilst chemical products only mask the odor, not eliminating or cleaning.

Find out how to get rid of the smell naturally - Click Here

Study Common Book Problems - And How to Solve Them! extra

How can I remove the musty smell from old books? While you can probably not completely remove the smell, there are ways to minimize it. On way is to create a deodorizing chamber. Take two garbage cans, one large and one smaller. The smaller must be able to contain the book(s) to be deodorized, the larger must be able to contain the smaller with some room about the sides. The book to be deodorized should be placed in the smaller can, which is then placed inside the larger can. Placed odor-absorbing materials (such as baking soda, cedar chips, coffee grounds, charcoal briquettes(without lighter fluid), or kitty litter), in the bottom of the larger can. The lid should be placed on the larger can only and the whole should be left alone for some time (days, at least). Monitor the set-up periodically by sniffing the book(s).

A second option is the use of MicroChamber products. These remove by-products of deterioration and pollutants, such as the smell from mold and mildew. They are like pieces of paper, which can be placed between the pages of the book. Place a sheet of the fine, 100% cotton interleaving tissue between the front board and the endpaper, every 50 pages throughout the volume, and again between the back board and the endpaper. Close the book and set it aside until the odor is reduced.

Our basement flooded and the pages of my high school yearbook are stuck together, what can I do? Unfortunately, not much. Yearbooks, pamphlets, magazines, and art books are often composed from glossy coated paper. If this paper becomes wet and then begins to dry, the coating on one page sticks to the coating on the next. It can't be reversed. For institutions which suffer water damage to books, freezing within 6 hours, followed by vacuum freeze drying, can be successful in saving this type of material. The vacuum freeze drying is carried out by a commercial service such as AFD.

If the pages are only partially stuck together, you can try to gently separate the pages with a micro spatula. Going slowly and carefully may salvage some of the pages. There will be some loss in the areas where the pages were stuck.

Rain came in the window and my book was soaked. Anyway to make it readable again? Although it will never look as good as it once did, it can be made readable again. Using blotter paper or paper towels, blot as much water from the book as possible. DO NOT rub either the cover or the wet pages. Stand the book on its tail and fan open the pages. You don't want a direct heat source for drying, but a warm dry one. If possible dry the book in this position in the sunlight or with the use of a fan. The more quickly the book dries the less the pages will ripple. If cover is warped, you can place the book between two press boards and place in a book press for several days (or under several heavy books!).

I opened one of my books and saw a tiny bug crawling in it, what should I do? They are most likely booklice (also known as psocids) or silverfish. Booklice are extremely small, about 1-2mm long. Silverfish are larger(up to 12.5mm) and over time can eat holes in paper. Often they show up when humidity is a problem in a storage area. If it a book or two, place them in an airtight plastic bag and put them in your freezer a couple of days. That will kill the insects. If more books are involved but only a few insects are seen, reduce the humidity in the space and vacuum the materials well. If you still see insects after a few days, or if the problem is widespread, you will have to resort to killing them. While non-chemical measures are preferable to chemical treatments, "bug bombing" the room will take care of the infestation. Just remember to address the cause of the insects - temperature and humidity problems. Keep them both low. It is best to contact a preservation professional to discuss appropriate options is valuable books are involved.

We have some old wooden bookcases. Are they safe and appropriate for valuable book storage? From the perspective of preservation, valuable books should be stored on metal shelving, as wood shelving can give off damaging pollutants. To make the wood shelving a "safe" as possible, seal all the wood with a moisture-borne polyurethane. Avoid oil-based paints and stains because of the oil and latex because of its inability to completely adhere. Shelves can be lined with glass, Plexiglas, or an inert metallic laminate material to prevent materials from coming into direct contact with the wood. If the bookcases are closed wooden cabinets or shelving which are not usually accessed, they should be aired out several times per year to minimize the buildup of damaging fumes.

I have some old leather books whose bindings are dried and cracked, should I put leather dressing on them? No. The use of leather dressings (neatsfoot oil, lanolin, etc.) is no longer recommended by conservators and preservationists. They tend to have undesirable effects such as discoloration, staining, and stickiness; wicking of oil into adjoining materials; and increased danger of mold growth on treated materials; among other problems. If flaking or cracked leather covers are a problem, they can be wrapped in paper or polyester jackets. This will keep the fragments and dirt from flaking off further and onto hands and other books. Leather dressing can be appropriate for some objects, but advice should be sought from a conservator before using it.

There are grease-like marks in my book! Absorbing the marks by interleaving the book with paper towels and closing the book. If that doesn't work, you can sprinkle the contents of a dry cleaning pad on the marks. Using your finger tips, very gently and lightly rub the pad dust over the page in a circular manner (DO NOT RUB WITH FINGERS IF PAGES ARE BRITTLE!). Let it sit for awhile, then brush dust away (Always brush away from the gutter of the book to the edge). If the marks are from a pencil, erase them using a gum or plastic eraser. Stroke with the eraser in a forward motion towards the page edge. Brush away eraser dust and dirt very lightly with a soft brush.

A page in my favorite book is torn. Can I just tape it together? Yes and No... Scotch tape is not appropriate for a book you want to keep. You will need archival document repair tape. To repair, first determine the correct position for the two sides of the tear to overlap. All paper has a grain and you will be able to tell how the repair would "sit". If the tear is long and changes direction, mend only one direction at a time. Use only as much tape as is necessary to cover the tear. This is a quick repair but often the tape does not adhere well. You may need to use a warm tacking iron covered by a light blotter paper to set the repair tape. Other book repairs can be found at A Simple Book Repair Manual.

How do I clean the page edges of my books? Try a Document Cleaning Pad available from Lineco Archival Products. It's like a bag of eraser crumbs and works wonders.

How do I clean vellum binding? Use milk and cotton wool. Moisten the cotton wool in the milk and rub the vellum gently but firmly.

How do I remove a label? For a homemade remedy, use a mixture of flour and water. Just mix enough flour into the water to keep it from flowing when it is poured onto a surface. Then use a small paint brush to generously coat the paper that is being removed. Usually, within 15-20 mins, the water soluble glue will soften and the unwanted paper can be peeled off.(Practice on a cheap book your first attempt!).

Or, in a well-ventilated place, spray it with lighter fluid (Ronsonal), wait five seconds, gently rub with a cloth or cotton ball (or cotton flat, which I find works best). I've used this technique literally hundreds of times without a problem: the excess fluid evaporates in a few minutes and leaves no residue.

How do I remove a label from a dust jacket? Apply a hot iron for a moment to heat the label. This loosens the glue and often the label can be removed very cleanly. To supplement the iron, try using cigarette lighter fluid (naphta), which helps get rid of any sticky residue. Mineral spirits will also work. You can also try to remove a sticker with an X-acto knife (broad, rounded blade), getting gently under it with the blade until peeling up, then peel slooooowly off with fingers. To loosen a really stubborn sticker, oak it with a q-tip saturated with spirits, wait a minute, then remove. I clean up any residual stickiness with a paper towel wetted in mineral spirits.

My child wrote in crayon... any hope? Unlike ink, which penetrates the paper, crayon marks are at the surface.Try very fine steel wool (0000 grade). Gentle rubbing will usually remove, or minimize, the crayon marks without causing harm to the paper. (As with any cleaning method, practice on a book you don't care about.)

Mold is growing on my book! R.L. Shep in his "Cleaning and Repairing Books... a Practical Home Manual" mentions using hydrogen peroxide, carefully applied to the area with an eyedropper; lemon juice applied the same, and placed in the sun for a "short time only"; denatured alcohol, applied with a soft rag or cotton swap; thymol in a solution of alcohol. As with all "blot up any excess". If mildew is between the pages of the book, he suggest diatomaceous earth, sprinkled between the pages and brushed or vacuumed out several days later. If the book is spotted from a previous "infestation", using lemon juice or a weak solution of peroxide, applied in small amounts with an eyedropper and wiped off quickly, followed by a good coat of "Renaissance Wax" (available from McCune, Inc., San Francisco) or some other good wax.

Even if you think it could be removed with a stiff brush, DO NOT remove it that way, as that will almost certainly damage the surrounding cloth. Instead, take a sharp-pointed, scalpel-type blade and/or a pair of tweezers, and a high-powered magnifying glass and work carefully at scraping/prising away the gunk without damaging the cloth itself. Some moderately light brushing towards the end may help to get rid of traces. If the stains can not be removed in this way, water is probably the next thing to try. Use wet tissue to dampen the whole surface of the board (otherwise damp stain marks are likely to appear). Then draw a blunt edge (like a bone folder) smoothly across the board. Don't use anything sharp or you risk damaging the cloth. Don't rub the damp board with tissue or cloth or anything, as this will probably remove the dye in the cloth. Depending on the type of dye used, you are likely to lose some of the color anyway, but do it carefully and the loss will be negligible and pretty much unnoticeable. Work very carefully round the title/gilt stamping or similar, drawing the bone folder away from such areas towards the edge of the board.

Basically, you're teasing the dirt out of the fabric; don't dump it on top of the title, etc., just work it towards the edges of the board, where it can be wiped gently off. You may be able to remove much of the the stain this way but the stain (or parts of it) may simply mix in with the water and the dye on the cloth. Even so, the resulting gunk, when distributed smoothly across the boards with a bone folder or similar, will be an improvement! Don't use chemicals. They may improve the immediate appearance of the book, but within a year or two their corrosive effects will begin to become apparent.

Killing off the spores. The spores (if they are such) are probably best killed off by sunshine, which apparently works just as well (or even better) behind glass as in the open air. Leave it on the windowsill on a sunny day for an hour or so. Ideally, if you are going to dampen the board to clean it, do it on a sunny day and put the book in the sun to dry. Don't do any of the above on anything that's really valuable; leave it in the hands of a professional.

How do I get rid of foxing? Simple answer... you don't. This needs to be done by a professional conservator. The only thing you might try is to take a slice of white bread and remove the crust. Spread a newspaper to catch the crumbs. Remember white bread is made with bleached flour and is moist. Gently rub the bread on the page in a circular motion and it will soon crumble, ball up, and if you're lucky, start to darken. The light abrasion applied will not harm the paper, the bleach will help whiten and the moist bread will remove some soiling and lighten stains. Don't expect perfection but look for improvement.

It looks like the leather binding on one of my books is rotting - what to do? First of all, you need immediate climate control. Get the humidity and temperature down and keep them there. Weird book rot (in spots and not all over) may indeed be a literal "bug". Carefully daubed the open rotted place and edges with Lysol on a q-tip and see if that stops the spread. If your leather is overall dry and powdery, nothing will really help.

Can I fix a cocked or slanted spine?

1. Put book on flat surface.
2. Open to 2nd page and run finger along left inside edge near spine from top of book to bottom.
3. Open to last page - 2 and run finger along right inside edge near spine from top of book to bottom (as above).
4. Repeat from front of book page 4.
5. Repeat from back of book page [last - 4]
6. Repeat pattern until you meet in the middle.

Or simply turn the book upside down and "read" it backwards. Paperbacks can be microwaved gently to warm the glue inside the spine. This process will usually correct off kilter or rolled spines.

Suggested: 30 seconds on low setting.

Should I remove rusted staples from a pamphlet? Under most circumstances, any piece will retain more of its value if left as close to original as possible. Trying to replace the staples could possibly lead to accidental damage. On the other hand, since the staples threaten the integrity and longevity of the main part of the original some would say they should be removed if possible. As the paper expands and contracts over the years due to humidity and temperature it works against the inflexible staples and tears itself. The rust itself can be corrosive. So, try to remove the staples carefully and either leave the pamphlet unstitched or possibly restitch it with soft thread.

The pages in my book are deteriorating! Nearly all books between about 1870 and almost the present time used acidic paper. After about 100 years, most of them are so brittle they will disintegrate the first time you read them. One treatment that will extend paper life is Bookkeeper or Wei T'o de acidification sprays. This will not restore the strength of your brittle paper -- it will just slow down the deterioration. Some ink, especially some colored ink, will get smeary -- test this before you treat a whole book.

Low temperatures and humidity are a big help. 20 or 30% humidity is fairly good, and consistency of both temperature and humidity is much more important than the exact numbers. Just remember that every time your book warms up in an environment where there's also increasing moisture, it's as though you were dipping it into a dilute acid bath.

How do I stop binding glue from becoming brittle? There's not too much you can do. Most glues are either hydroscopic or thermoplastic, but you are taking a risk to use water or heat around a book. Taking the book to a binder and having it reglued is the best bet.

I'm moving. How do I pack my books? Flat with edges out, so the books are spine to spine in the box. Stuff any space with crumpled bubble wrap or the like so the books don't rattle around. If you hear anything when you shake the box, open it up and redo. A box dropped on a corner can cause a lot of damage to the books inside. If at all possible, do not store the boxes on a cement floor (ie garage) for any extended period of time. Cement has a lot of moisture which can be drawn up into the dry cardboard box and dry paper books. Water destroys books faster than fire.

Should I rebind an old book? Unless there's something really wrong with the original binding, you could significantly lower the value by rebinding. Also, do not bind it with string or rubber bands. This will cause the pages to warp or crimp and will leave marks. Temporarily, you can use white cotton twill tape. The best way is to put the book into an archival box. These can be custom made to the exact size (ideal) or you can use a retail one which is a close match in size.

Charcoal Odor

Bethany Hacker is the Project Director for Delmarva Discussions http://www.delmarvadiscussions.org, a private, non-profit organization offering high quality, entertaining, scholar-led humanities programs to organizations in Delaware and on the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Virginia. Delmarva Discussions also provides a website for the public which features articles, links, and information for adults who love books, reading, and writing. From finding discussions and other literary events on Delmarva, to buying books and finding writing exercises and creating poetry, Delmarvadiscussions.org will be your one stop for all things books, regardless of where you live!

Common Book Problems - And How to Solve Them!

Study Clothing Fabrics - A Primer on Eco-Friendly and Performance Fabrics more

Charcoal Odor

Do you get confused by all the different fabrics out there? Want to know what "eco-friendly" or "soybu" means? In the hopes of eliminating some of the confusion, I have created a list of definitions for you, along with some advantages of each type of fabric.

Eco-Friendly Clothing or Environmentally Friendly Clothing: These fabrics are made from materials that are friendly to the earth. The materials are often produced using organic methods, or from materials that can be easily replenished, or from recycling. The production processes to create these products often use less energy, reducing the carbon footprint required to make them. Organic cotton, organic bamboo, soy, and hemp are examples of eco-friendly fibers. Not only are these clothing products good for the earth, but they are also often much healthier for you because few chemicals are used in the growing and production processes.

Advantages of Eco-Friendly Clothing:

No or fewer harsh chemicals used in production and processing of fibers
Decreased carbon footprint and energy usage
Made from materials that can be easily replenished or from recycled materials
Give an economic boost to farmers and other producers who use environmentally friendly growing techniques

Soybu: Soybu fabric is made from a combination of soy, bamboo, cotton, and polyester or spandex fibers. Soy fibers are made using processed organic soybeans from a waste product in the production of tofu. The resulting fibers are extremely soft and smooth.

Advantages of soybu clothing:

Moisture wicking pulls moisture away from the body, keeping you cool and fresh
Fabric is cashmere-soft
Quick drying
Excellent stretch, allowing the fabric to move with you

Organic Cotton Clothing: Organic cotton is grown without the pesticides and other chemicals which make traditional cotton so harmful to the environment. It is breathable, durable, and biodegradable. Clothing manufacturers often use natural dyes or pigments with organic cotton to further increase the earth-friendliness of their products.

Advantages of Organic Cotton:

No chemicals used in growing process
Look for labels with "Certified Organic Cotton"

Recycled Fabric Clothing: Recycled fabrics can be made from a variety of materials. One of the most common recycled fabrics is made from plastic bottles such as soda bottles and milk jugs, saving tons of these bottles from cluttering up the landfill. The bottles are crushed into tiny chips which are heated and then spun into yarn, just like regular polyester. Pretty cool, huh?

Other options for recycling fabric include taking fabric scraps, cotton gin waste, mill ends, commercial fabric trimmings, unusable factory seconds, and worn-out clothing that would normally be discarded, and spinning these items into new yarns.

Bamboo: Because bamboo can grow as much as 2 feet per day, it is a highly sustainable resource for fabric. Bamboo thrives without the use of chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides.

Advantages of Bamboo Clothing:

Natural antibacterial properties
Fabric is extremely soft and comfortable

Slub: Slub yarn is produced when the fibers of the yarn have areas which are thicker than other areas of the yarn, creating a "lumpy" appearance. When woven into a fabric, the slubs form a continuous pattern, providing a subtle pleasing texture and appearance.

Coconaยฎ: These fabrics are made by embedding activated charcoal particles in man-made fibers like polyester and nylon. The activated charcoal particles are obtained from recycled coconut shells. For maximum performance, garments made with Cocona technology should be washed using scent-free detergents, and should be dried in a dryer, without a scented dryer sheet.

Advantages of Cocona fabrics:

No harsh chemicals in the fabric
Evaporative cooling qualities
UV protection
Odor management
Benefits of Cocona technology are embedded in the fabric and won't wear out or wash out

Performance Clothing: Performance fabrics are created using natural and man-made fibers and are especially made to give garments particular characteristics in durability and wearability. Most performance fabrics are intended to wick moisture away from the body, dry faster, provide odor control and antibacterial properties, provide UV protection, improve fit and shape retention, resist spills and release stains, repel water, or improve freedom of movement through better stretch. Performance fabrics are especially useful in sports clothing and athletic wear. Different performance fabrics provide different benefits, so be sure to carefully read product descriptions for the benefits of a particular garment.

Examples of Performance Fabrics:

Fabrics using nanotechnology
MicroTek Supremeย™
Micropolyester Fleece

Fair Trade Clothing: Clothing that is produced in factories committed to the ethical treatment of workers, including fair and meaningful wages, fair working conditions, local production, and non-exploitation. Often, fabrics and garments are produced in worker-owned co-ops using environmentally friendly fibers and production techniques.

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Clothing Fabrics - A Primer on Eco-Friendly and Performance Fabrics

Charcoal Odor

Read through Air Filters - The Unsung Heroes of Air Conditioning far more

In order to keep a home heating and cooling system running smoothly, most professionals recommend changing air filters every months. The air filter prevents dust and particles from making their way into the air ducts and being deposited on the inner workings of the air handler. If there were no filter, then massive amounts of dust, dirt, and other irritants would accumulate causing a decrease in efficiency and greatly shortening the life span of the HVAC equipment.

Not changing the filter periodically results in a slow build up of dust in the ducts. This build up reduces the airflow throughout the home and increases allergens being blown into the interior of the home. Allergens in the air cause respiratory problems and sometimes eye and skin irritation. Some air filters are specifically designed to remove more allergens and provided better air quality for allergy sufferers.

Other considerations for filters are size and type. The size should fit well, and most sizes are commercially available. Types to choose from include pleated, electrostatic, and HEPA. Pleated filters are inexpensive and may be manufactured from charcoal to help with odor control. Pleated types are typically disposable. Electrostatic types usually have a lifetime guarantee, but require the homeowner to periodically clean the filter to provide maximum efficiency. HEPA filters are designed to reduce allergens by up to 97 percent and may be a good choice for allergy prone individuals. Using a combination of pleated and electrostatic filters is quite possible and recommended by many professionals.

Most HVAC systems use multiple user replaceable filters. One filter is always placed at the air return which is located at the air intake or return vent. This filter is almost always easily changed out by the homeowner. The other filter, if present, is usually found behind a panel at or in the air handler itself. This filter can be easily accessed if the air handler is located at ground level inside a garage or utility room. Often times, air handlers are installed in an attic recess above the garage. This last location can prove to be a hassle, but the good news is this particular filter need not be changed every month as the air filter at the return.

To ensure the best air quality possible, hiring a professional HVAC service technician to clean the ducts and remove all of the dust bunnies and fur will not only benefit the health of the family, but allow the air conditioning and heating system to last longer. Clean ducts will also reduce or eliminate the possibility of a fire hazard that dirty ducts can cause.

Consulting a professional to determine the proper type of filter for the home is always a good idea. A qualified heating and air company will guide the homeowner to the proper brand, style and size, as well as inspect the air ducts for cleanliness. By beginning with clean air ducts, the unit will run more efficiently and the filter will be able to work as well as possible.

Charcoal Odor

For more information and guidance about air conditioning and heating installation and repair service, visit http://www.comfortzonepa.com. Comfort Zone has a great maintenance plan guide when having a professional, qualified technician service your heating and cooling system.

Daniel Elliott is an independent contractor who authors articles and media on a variety of topics for diverse audiences. WebDrafter.com, Inc. ( http://www.webdrafter.com ) produces Website design, hosting, and search engine marketing services for many of the clients, industries and markets related to the articles and media authored by Dan Elliott.

Air Filters - The Unsung Heroes of Air Conditioning

Charcoal Odor

Study Do Water Filters Really Serve Purified Water As Well As Bottled Water? more

Everyday, millions of bottled water is consumed all over the world. 80% of the bottles are discarded in garbage dumps. And that is not to count the bottled juices, green tea and sodas also replete in the market. In the near future, you can expect bottles of water to populate the surface of the earth and that is not exaggerating things.

This is one of the reasons why water filtration systems installed at home are pushed by many companies. If not to gain more profit, then to contribute to the lessening of consumption of water in bottles. But the question is, are they as reliable?

The reason why we buy water in bottles is because they have been rendered completely pure. Tap water is not safe to drink at all as it is riddled with all sorts of impurities-visible or not.

The companies that sell bottled up water use top of the line filtration system. Some are purified water and some are distilled water. Experts say that distilled water is the cleanest of them all because other than removing sediments and particles, it has been boiled to completely remove pathogens and other micro organisms. This is a technology not yet present in home filtration systems.

However, home filter units also have their own technology in removing water contaminants and most of them have been proven reliable. Some use activated charcoal filters that can remove odor and taste of chlorine in addition to removing minerals such as cadmium, lead, mercury and magnesium among other things.

Another effective method incorporated in home filters is reverse osmosis. This can help remove chemicals, pesticides and hard minerals in water content. Water that undergoes reverse osmosis system taste better than those that do not.

It also depends on what brand you are getting. Prior to purchasing a home filter unit, check out first what it has to offer you. First, get to know how many filtration steps it uses. The more steps, the cleaner your water gets.

Also find out its life span. How many clean gallons of water can it produce without glitches? Its efficiency is something you should consider. It also helps to find a filter system that can resist bacteria formation.

If you choose the right water filter brand, you can drink only clean water as long as you are using the filtration system. So start searching and reading reviews now so you can find the best one that is currently available in the market.

Charcoal Odor

For more katadyn water filters [http://www.purewaterfiltersguide.com/katadyn-water-filters.html], tips and advice on choosing the best water filters for you and your family, please visit [http://www.PureWaterFiltersGuide.com] now.

Do Water Filters Really Serve Purified Water As Well As Bottled Water?

Examine Do Air Purifiers Remove Cooking Odors From Your Home? much more

Do Air Purifiers Remove Cooking Odors From Your Home?

Charcoal Odor

What do you think? Do air purifiers remove cooking odors from your home or work space? And what about cigarette, cigar and pet odors?

These are all good air purifier questions, but there's no simple answer. Removing cooking and other unpleasant odors depends upon the type of air purifier you buy, how powerful it is and even where you place it.

To begin with, when asked, "Do air purifiers remove cooking odors?" I have to respond that an air purifier in the upstairs bedroom, no matter what kind or how effective, will do little to remove the odor of fish frying on your stove in the downstairs kitchen.

Basically, there are about half a dozen different types of air purifiers and they come in various sizes and shapes. The two main types of air purifier systems are mechanical purifiers such as high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters and electrostatic filtration systems like an ionic purifier. They each have their own advantages and disadvantages and some are more effective than others at removing odors.

Activated carbon filters and ozone generator air purifiers are the most effective systems available for removing cooking odors. However, neither is particularly effective at reducing airborne allergens. Activated carbon is simply charcoal that's been treated with oxygen.

The process opens up million of small pores between the air purifier carbon atoms, greatly increasing the surface area of the filter pad. The air purifier filter then works like a sponge to remove odors and soak up harmful gases. A charcoal air filter does need to be changed on a regular basis, but, for the most part, they're not particularly expensive.

Many activated carbon air purifiers are combined with HEPA technology, which is 99.9% effective at eliminating airborne allergens down to 0.3 microns in size. Three tenths of a micron is pretty small, since there are over 600 microns in the period at the end of this sentence.

Ozone air purifiers also remove odors effective, but are not very good at removing allergens. However, ozone generator air purifiers are very controversial. Many experts believe ozone generators are harmful to human health. The State of California, for example, issued a warning that "People should avoid using indoor air cleaning devices that produce ozone."

This is because ozone is the primary chemical found in smog and long term exposure to it can cause eye, throat and nose irritation, as well as permanent lung damage.

Most ozone generator marketers say there's no need to worry, because you don't have to run the device all day and can put it on a low setting. But that still doesn't eliminate the problem. It's like someone telling you, even though cigarette smoke is bad for your health, if you only take a few puffs a day, you'll be okay.

So, back to the original question, "Do air purifiers remove cooking odors?" When you take everything into consideration, a HEPA air purifier system combined with an activated charcoal filter is your best bet. With this type of air purifier system, you can effectively remove offensive cooking, tobacco and pet odors, plus reduce airborne allergens.

And you can do it all without any risk to your health - only benefits.

Cris Stanford clears up the confusion and hype around air purifier ratings so you can find exactly what you want. His website, http://www.FirstAirPurifier.com has been called "a breath of fresh air!" Visit today and find the best air purifier for you.