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Hydroponics is all about growing plants without using soil. In hydroponic gardening, plants are grown in alternative media like coir, rockwool, water-based media, etc. Air filtration is another important part of hydroponics. Growing plants need a regular supply of fresh air to prepare their food. Since most hydroponic gardens are in an indoor setting, providing a regular supply of fresh air becomes an important aspect to consider.

Carbon Filters
Carbon filters are the ideal air filtration solution for hydroponics gardens. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and effective. Along with filtering air, carbon filters also trap odor molecules, mainly produced by vegetable plants. Thus, carbon filters serve a dual purpose of improving air circulation and keeping it odor-free.

Charcoal carbon filters are the most popular air filters available, especially the IGS Goblin and PHAT Hydro filters. They contain activated charcoal, which is a form of processed carbon. This type of carbon has many minute pores in it and a vast surface area to participate in chemical reactions. When air passes through the filter, contaminant particles are trapped in the pores and neutralized by the activated carbon.

Installing a Carbon Filter
Installing a carbon filter is quite easy and only takes a matter of minutes. IGS and PHAT filters simply need to be hung over the plants or placed on the floor next to them. These filters are especially popular with people looking for a HydroHut grow room compatible filter.

If you have already installed an exhaust fan for your garden, you can just install your carbon filter over it. These filters are available as charcoal fiber scrubbers and can be used in front of any exhaust fan. The filter is attached to the input side of the fan. You can attach the filter using tape, hooks, or clamps. Alternatively, you can create a small duct joining the filter to the fan. The only precaution to take with this method is to check that the filter is placed at a sufficient distance over the plants. This allows air to circulate around the plants before it is filtered.

Replacing the Filter
Over time, the pores in the carbon filter are filled with contaminants and the filter has no space for further contaminant molecules. When this happens, you will need to replace your filter with a new one. Most carbon filters need to be replaced around 12 - 18 months after they are installed.

Charcoal Odor

Carbon filters are the ideal air filtration solution for hydroponics gardens. They are relatively inexpensive, easy to use, and effective.

How to Install a Carbon Filter

Charcoal Odor